Exams, Expectations and Experiences...

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It was finally the day,the last day of her exams. Nisma was very relieved.
As she and her friends were coming out of the college,she heard her name being called. It was one of her seniors,simra,"Assalamualaikum nisma,i was wondering where were you,how were your exams? Be prepared for practicals,if you need help,feel free to ask us"
Nisma thanked her,then went home with Heena.
After dropping Heena she went home,her mom was waiting for her,she said,"nisma now that you're done with your exams,i want you to start preparing for your practicals,you can't waste your time on anything else,do you understand me?"
"yes,mom,i get you"
She was so tired, she just wanted to sleep, she went to her room,sorted out practical stuff subject wise,then prayed zuhr,then slept for a while.
It was asr when she woke up,then she prayed asr,did some recitation, then started working on her practicals.
In between whenever she had doubt she would call her dad or mom and clarify her doubts.
Few days later she was done with her exams,she was so relieved. 

It was late at night when she recieved a call from Heena informing her about the results,she checked her result,she had gained distinction in all the subjects.She was happy,she prayed shukrana,then tahajjud and slept,hoping to inform her family in the morning.

She was woken up by continuous noise in her room,when she opened her eyes she could see all her family members in the room,trying to hold a congrats banner properly.

What she did not expect was her brothers in her room,they said they could'nt come until 4-5 months.

But she did jump up with joy,hugged her parents and her siblings,enjoyed whole day and partied harder. She had loadsa fun.

She was about to go to college the next day,but was stopped by her parents near the car,they told her, "Beta we know this is just your first year,but you have raised our expectations,we did not know how much you liked Dentistry,but now since we know,we expect you to achieve the same or even better results in all the years ahead".
Her classes for second year were supposed to start in a week.
So she planned for a week off in Dubai for para sailing and jet water skiing.
She had utmost fun with her family.
She had also got gifts for her friends.
Days passed into weeks,weeks passed into months and it was the day of her final exam for second year,they did not have any break like last year but it was only for a week.

When she went home that day,her house was eerily quiet,she called out for her parents and sister,no body answered, so she took out her phone and called her mom, her dad picked up the phone and asked her to come to the hospital fast.

She went to the hospital,reached the required floor,there were so many people outside th ICU, she found her mom,who was sobbing uncontrollably, she went and asked her mom what happened,her mom hugged her and said, "Dadijaan is serious,she had heart attack, we got her to hospital, the doctors don't have any hope,she has been asking for you,go in"

With heavy heart Nisma went inside, there were some other people whom she did not recognise, but seeing her grand mom in such a condition teared her up,she went and sat on a stool beside her grandmother and said, "Kya yaar dadi,you scared everyone, what is this,come on now hurry up and get up from the bed,you promised me to teach cooking,and other things, how will you teach me if you are here, come on now be a good girl and come home please"

Zaina begum smiled at her eldest grand daughter, she replied weakly, "will you do something for me"


"I want you to get married to my best friends grandson, will you do that for me?"

Nisma was shocked, "but how,and when, you have to be out of this hospital and in home,if you promise me that,I will promise you,wherever you say I will get married,but I want you in our house healthy and walking"

Zaina begum knew,Nisma would agree,but about being healthy,she was unsure, so she said, "get the Nikah done now,when I am out and healthy,we can do the reception, please don't argue with me on this beta,I love you and want what's best for you,please say yes"

Nisma did not have any reason but to comply, as just like that with in 2 hours she was married. The irony was she did not even knew who her husband was nor did she knew what he did for a living,she just knew that he was her grand mothers best friends grand son. 

After the Nikah, she was in her grand mothers room and was talking to her,when her dad came with her husband and told her, "beta this is Naeem, he is your husband, he wanted to talk to you alone, please go and talk to him"

She was quiet the whole time, went with Naeem to a coffee shop,he selected a corner booth and asked her to sit down, he started, "Hey, I am Naeem, I am doing B.D.S with you in your college, honestly I was not prepared for this Nikah,but since my dadi wanted I I couldn't say no,I love my dadi so much so couldn't deny her,I know this is a surprise for you also, we can take some time to get to know each other better and only when you think you are comfortable we can talk about bidaai and reception. I won't say I'm perfect but I promise to give my best to this relationship, we can start from baby steps,what do you say?"

Nisma was nervous,she had never been alone with any guy other than her brothers and father,she looked up into his eyes, then gave a very small smile and replied, "Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, JazakAllah khair, in Shaa Allah I will try to give my best,but it will take some time for me to open up,I usually don't open up to strangers,but since we have a relatioship granted by Allah swt,I would give it a try,please bear with me. I also like your idea of taking baby steps ,so jazakAllah again."

Naeem was relieved,and then they started talking about college and other stuff and after an hour or so left the coffee shop.

She met with all the relatives of hers and her husband's,then met with the two dadi's and was about to leave for home,when she heard someone calling her,it was Naeem," hey If you don't mind,can I have your number"

She hesitated before giving,then she bid him good bye and went home.

She prayed Isha and then asked Allah swt to guide her, did some Quran recitation and went to call her friends and inform them about the latest development in her life.

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