A Fight in the Ring

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Even before you remembered your name, during those terrifying first few days in the Glade, you could tell that a particular builder had some sort of feeling toward you, and that feeling was pure hatred. During your first month, Gally did his best to avoid being within fifty feet of you, and if he happened to be it was only to make commentary on how horrible of a job you were doing or how annoying you were. In the few months since then, things had become rather routine with the other boys. They had all accepted the fact that you were a girl, and the Greenies that had come up since were quick to get used to the idea as well. It was only Gally who continued to scoff and roll his eyes if you even just innocently walked by.

At first, you felt crazy since no one else seemed to bat an eyelash at how Gally treated you. He was known for being ill-tempered, and even more so after he had been stung. There was just something different about the way he avoided you. Being treated differently among this group of boys always made you feel uneasy. Mostly everyone had gotten used to treating you as one of the guys, so why couldn't he?

A few months into your arrival at the Glade, Newt finally noticed the builder's distaste for you. At the time, you had been helping him practice with his crutches around the Glade. Before the incident, you and Newt had been friends, but now you spent more of your days trying to help him heal. You started to pick up on each other's quirks and often had conversations just through sharing odd looks which was a great new ability since Newt wasn't up for talking much.

"Great to see you back on your feet!" Gally patted Newt's shoulder as you walked by the new watchtower the builders were making around one of the tallest trees. "Gonna make those klunk hands useful and join my crew once you're healed?"

"Newt's gonna take it easy and be a track-hoe for a while, isn't that right, Newt?" You looked to the blonde for his agreement. He stayed quiet like he had been since he'd woken up a week ago.

"Whatever. We'll talk later when the little helper nurse isn't here to answer all your questions before you can think for yourself." Gally waved us off and turned back to the ladder he was nailing together for the watchtower, his arm muscles flexing as the hammer hits against the wood.

Newt watched you with a quirked eyebrow as you glared into the builder's sweaty back with enough anger to power a city. He smirked and hit you with his crutch to get you out of your daze. "Let's keep going, Nurse Y/N."

You rolled your eyes at the new nickname. Hopefully, that one wouldn't catch on like the last. When you came up in the box, all you had with you were the clothes on your back and a flower that had been whittled out of a bar of soap. Before you could remember your name, the boys had been calling you Greenie until Newt started calling you Rose. At first, they used the nickname as a joke to taunt you, but about a week after coming up, you remembered your real name.

Now you only let a handful of the boys call you Rose, and depending on the tone they used, you usually handed them their asses afterward. The nickname made you feel girly, and honestly, you liked that feeling. It was nice to be compared to something so pretty. But, you worked so hard to be treated like everyone else, so you didn't like being teased for being feminine. Sometimes the nickname felt derogatory.

"You sure you can carry that, Rosie?"

"She doesn't want to get her hands dirty, isn't that right, Rose?"

It would probably be smart just to ask everyone to stop using the name all together, but oddly, Rose felt just as familiar to you as your real name did. Usually, it was just Newt who got to use the nickname and occasionally Minho when he was in one of his very rare serious moods. Everyone else was to call you by your remembered name

You followed the hobbling boy around the Glade for another half hour until the box blared, signaling it was about to come up with this month's Greenie. Newt went back into hiding to avoid the, "What happened to him?" question that he wasn't quite yet ready to answer.

Rose// Gally Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now