A Walk in the Deadheads

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It had been months since that night you and Gally had shared something personal with each other. He tried to act like it never happened, but his lingering stares gave the impression that he didn't forget. There was also the fact that the builders suddenly made the med jacks a second bed for the med tent. . . and more shelving for supplies. You appreciated the gifts, but you didn't know how to return the favor.

"Just give him head. That's what every guy wants," Minho offered with a shrug.

Newt waved that idea off. "No.. . If she comes on too strong, he'll run off and get pissy like the time with the bandaid."

"That was literally months ago! He's probably itching for some klunk like that now!" Minho waved around the small stick he was using to cook his meat on the fire as he spoke.

Little sparks flew carelessly off the end of his stick. Newt had to duck from Minho's eccentric hand waving twice. Even with Newt between the two of you, you were slightly terrified of the boy flicking an ember onto your clothes and setting you ablaze. It was funny seeing your two best friends this drunk. Usually, Newt was on Greenie duty during bonfires, but this month's Greenie wasn't shy and quiet like most boys were their first day out of the box. While the Greenie seamlessly assimilated into the group, Newt got to drink and let loose.

"What you need to do-" Newt pointed at you with his glass in hand and slurring his words, "-is go over there and kiss him. End all this awkward crap and get to the good stuff."

You spit out your drink across the dirt in front of you, some of it landing in the fire and feeding to it. Minho reached around Newt to pat you on the back so you could cough it all out before speaking. "I can't just walk up to a guy and kiss him!"

"Why not? He's just as inexperienced as you are."

"Well because-," you paused and looked over at Gally and his crew. They laughed at something the Greenie said and shook his shoulder. "-because he's with all those guys and they'll tease. It'll be a turn-off."

Minho chucked his stick into the fire. "Then fight him in the Ring again. That got enough of his attention last time, right?"

Newt sat up straight. "Oh yeah! You still owe him a rematch 'cuz you bloody cheated!"

"Did not! I won fair and square!"

Minho waggled his eyebrows enthusiastically. "Oh yeah, just reminded him of those sex dreams he's had about you."

You crossed your arms. "I never used the word sex, and I was just using my advantages. He had skill and strength on his side and he wasn't letting up!" Gally had caught you staring at that moment. He said something to Ben then patted him on the back before heading your way.

"Oh shit," Minho whispered. "Speak of the devil and he shall-"

"Help me up, I'm too bloody drunk!" Newt tugged on Minho's sleeve. "We gotta let the kids have their privacy."

You glared at Newt and spoke quietly through clenched teeth. "Do not leave me alone with him or I swear to the greivers-!"


It was already too late. Gally had called to you and your friends were scampering drunkenly away.

"Gally. Hey! Hi." His height made you nervous, so you jumped up from the log to stand before him. It didn't help much. He still towered above you and your heart still raced. "Having a good night?" You shoved your hands in your pockets to hide the fact that they were shaking.

"Yeah. . . Listen, I need to talk to you about-," Gally paused and looked back at the group he was standing with earlier. "-something. Let's take a walk." He picked a torch out of the ground and nodded off toward an empty section of the Glade.

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