The Note

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That odd note left with you more questions than it did answers. If the note and soap were meant for Gally, why send it up in a box for you with your name on the other side of the note? Why make you some sort of messenger? Or were you supposed to present the soap as a gift? Either way, that wasn't even the most alarming part.

What the hell did they mean by not having much time left? Did that mean time in the Glade was coming to an end? Was someone going to save you all, or would you be set free? Would the walls come crashing down? Would the grieves lurk during the day?

It was all a lot to take in. You had half a mind to walk the note directly to Nick. If everyone's time was running out, he should be the first to know. But then again, he probably would want to keep it all a secret to avoid panic like he did with the map. To avoid what happened to Newt. . The last thing you wanted was for everyone to start panicking. But why had the note been for Gally and not Nick? What was Gally meant to do about time running out?

At dinner, Minho explained to you that you were going to be receiving the silent treatment from Newt until you told them what was really sent up to you. This made you roll your eyes.

"They just sent me extra lady klunk. Why is that so shucking hard to believe?"

Minho studied your face then turned to Newt. "You're right. She's lying."

It wasn't easy to admit, but your best friend not talking to you was bothering you. He wouldn't even look in your direction. Newt often used the silent treatment to get something from you because of how unbelievably fast it worked. He knew you hated your friends being mad at you.

It was selfish, but you couldn't show Newt the note. Part of you worried that he might try what he did just a few months after your arrival. Newt was your best friend, and you couldn't risk losing him. Hell, you couldn't even bear him not talking to you for ten minutes, which is why you decided to give him half of the truth, enough to make him think he was in the know about what the box sent up.

"Alright!" You dropped your fork onto your plate with a loud clang. Your two idiot friends grinned and leaned forward so you could whisper it to them. "Soap."

What you had expected from them was teasing and uncontrollable laughter, but what you got was silence. Minho's excited smile had dropped, his mouth hanging open slightly. Newt's eyebrows shot straight up to his hairline. They mimicked fish out of water for a while, their mouths closing and opening but no words surfacing until finally, Newt pulled himself out of it.

"You're such a bad liar," Newt grumbled.

"I swear, okay? It was the same kind of soap that was used to make my rose, you know, the one I came up with?"

"The green, nice smelling one? Why lie about that?" Minho asked.

"Because there was a note in it that said it's for Gally," you admitted.

"Why? Because he stinks?" Minho joked, earning a lingering part on the shoulder from Newt.

"Maybe you can show Gally how to use it in the showers," Newt said a little louder than necessary.

You threw your whole body across the table to cover his mouth with your hand. Your hips hit against the wood surface hard enough to make bruises.

Thanks to fate's wicked timing, Gally happened to walk into the dining area right then to grab his dinner. The three of you turned to look at him, hoping that he didn't somehow hear what was said. It was impossible, but his presence was frightening enough for Minho to nervously burst into that uncontrollable laugher you had expected earlier. Newt followed soon after, so you removed your hand from his mouth and sat back down, trying to not cause a scene. A lot of boys had turned to see what was so funny. Soon you were somehow laughing too while wanting to shrivel up and die inside from embarrassment.

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