Fall Out

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The next morning you woke up clutching Gally's worn shirt. At first, the smell of him tricked you into thinking he had stayed the night with you. When you realized it was just his shirt, your chest ached a bit.

One would think that after all that, the two of you would be closer and more understanding of each other. But no. Of course not. It seemed like Gally would always find a reason to yell at you, even that very next day when your head was pounding from the hangover.

After jogging for less time than usual, you wanted to collapse on your desperate expedition to the kitchen for water. Your muscles ached the usual amount after a good run, but your brain felt like it was two times the size of your skull and oozing out of your ears. There were also various bruises along your legs and back from the fight and all the falling that occurred after. Your jeans were scratching and rubbing against the bruises with every step, reminding you of how much of a drunken dumbass you'd been.

"Are you still training to be a shucking runner?" Gally had stormed into the kitchen as you were chugging water just to scold you. Sadly, he was wearing one of his long sleeves since you still had his other shirt folded neatly on your pillow. He did say last night that you could keep it, but you knew you should probably give it back.

You gasped for air after finishing the glass and breathlessly said, "Not in the mood, Gally." You pushed past him, hoping to get to your room and sleep the headache off.

"It's too dangerous." Of course, he was following you.

"I know what I'm risking, alright? Don't lecture me. Shouldn't you be off somewhere bothering your precious crew?"

"No, I don't think you know what you're risking."

You turned around and shoved him, sending him stumbling back into the wall. "Slim it, Gally! You act like you know so much, but you were only out there for like a minute! One of my best friends is Keeper of the Runners and bravely goes out there every shuckin' day while we all just sit here like babies. Nothin' will ever get done unless we step up!"

"You're already a Keeper for the med jacks! You've got an important job!"

"I might as well be a shuckin' slopper with how little I have to do around here. I don't wanna nurse slintheads with sliced fingers! I wanna get out of the Glade and go home! Don't you?"

Gally sucked his teeth as he looked down at the ground. His shoulders were tense like he was hesitating with his answer. A silence swept over the empty kitchen like the whole Glade was waiting to hear what he had to say. He seemed to scrap the response by shaking it out of his head and instead glared at you as if you had annoyed him. "You aren't going out there. I won't let that happen."

Honestly, you didn't give a klunk about Gally's opinion at this point. He didn't control you, and he wasn't in charge of the Glade. It would initially come down to be Nick and Minho's decision, so you wanted to put the builder in his place for acting so entitled. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and spoke real slow so that he could really grasp all you had to say.

"You don't own me, asshole. Get that through your thick head. Whatever I choose to do isn't affected by your klunk opinion. I'm going to become the best Runner there ever was, and I'll find us a way out of this place. You'll see. Soon you'll be on your knees thanking me for saving your sorry ass."

Gally slapped your hand away from his shirt. "Don't come runnin' to me next time you have a problem then since your so tough."

"I won't. You're chicken shit anyway, a coward." That got to him. He snarled and shoved you back so hard that your body slammed against the wall. All the shelves of dishes rattled on impact. In a flash, he brought his forearm to your neck to keep you in place.

Rose// Gally Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now