Out of the Norm

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It was, as Jeff had previously said that day, hot as balls. The med tent felt like a sauna. Jeff ditched you long ago to lay in the shady grass near the hammocks. Not many gladers dared to be out working in this heat, so it wasn't like anyone was going to come stumbling in with a serious injury that you couldn't handle alone. Even having the medical tech book in your lap as you read was too much to bear. Instead, you used it to prop open the door to the tent and pulled a rickety stool near the entrance in an attempt to feel any potential breeze that might come your way. None ever did, but at least there was a bit of airflow now.

After a while, you must have drifted off because someone had to clear their throat to get your attention. You nearly slipped off the stool from all the sweat that had accumulated.

"Jesus-," you mumbled as you balanced yourself before giving a sheepish grin to whoever walked in. That grin quickly fell.

"Newt works just fine thanks," the blonde grumbled as if his words weren't intended to be a joke.

"You're here," you said in amazement.

"Is this not where people come when they need medical help?"

"No- I mean yes. Yes. Sorry." You stood up quickly then got stiff at how disappointed his next words sounded.

"Is Jeff not here?"

"He's taken the day off. It's too hot and we don't really need two people on duty if no one's working," you explained.

Newt poked his tongue against the inside of his cheek and looked around the room for a moment. "I guess I'll just- Never mind then." He turned on his heel, oddly chewing the tip of his finger as he tried to leave.

"Wait, Newt, I can help, okay? Whatever you need. I won't even. . I won't even talk," your voice got quiet as you looked down at your sneakers in shame.

"Yeah, alright then," Newt mumbled as he slumped onto the edge of the cot, continuing to chew on the tip of his finger.

Now that you promised you wouldn't talk, you felt horrible having to ask, "What happened?"

"Shucking splinter," Newt said, offering up the finger he had been chewing on for you to examine.

Wordlessly, you got out a pair of tweezers and got to work. It didn't take long for you to get the sliver of wood out. In fact, Newt probably could have accomplished that himself with his teeth like he had been trying to just moments ago.

"That all you came here for?" You asked as you out away the tweezers.


The way he wouldn't even look at you made you feel like you were being torn apart. All you could manage out was a faint whisper, "I'm sorry."

Newt's harsh exterior instantly broke down back to his usual soft features at just one single tear rolling down your cheek. His intention was to tell you off, but now all he wanted to do was hug you and apologize for making you feel like shit for two weeks. He tried to stay strong to get his point across.

"I know why you kept it from me. You think I'll try it again, but you don't have to worry about me. You're stuck with me, alright?"


He stood to pull you into a tight hug. "Promise."

Privacy in the Glade was few and far between, and this was not one of those lucky moments. Nick wandered into the med tent, causing you two to break apart from your reconciliation.

"Just the two people I needed to talk to."

Ever since your demotion, you don't been trying to avoid Nick at all costs. It wasn't that you were angry with him, being around him just made you feel ashamed. Nick was the closest thing that any of the gladers had to an authority figure, a parent. Knowing he was disappointed in you made you feel immensely guilty. His watchful eye used to feel loving, but now the pressure was on to be on your best behavior at all times and gain his trust back.

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