Answers Unravelled

978 29 9

Gally was irritable for a week after your interrogation. Luckily, he was also avoiding you which made him everyone else's problem. Maybe you owed him an apology for bringing up the Changing, but you weren't exactly jumping at the opportunity to rebuild that bridge. After all, he told you to stay focused on the maze. That's your new job, right?

But then one afternoon you were surprised to find a couple of the builders waiting for you outside the map room. They shot up as you exited the hut and followed you like puppies with their pleading looks and wringing of hands.

"Please, ya gotta talk to him."

"He's been brutal lately. All we know is that you were the one to set him off."

"Something about being invasive or whatever. We don't know what it means, but we just want work to go back to normal."

"It's already hard enough adding on the extra work of building up the Homestead. Please, Y/N."

Both boys were holding their hands in a prayer motion at this point, begging as if you had some magical remedy that would turn Gally into a nicer keeper.

You weren't trying to be awful about it. The other night you had even stayed up and devised an entire speech in your head that you were about to go recite until you realized it was an ungodly hour and Gally was likely sleeping. But, if Gally's attitude really was as off-kilter as they made it seem, that probably meant he wasn't sleeping. You had dealt with him once when he was irritable.

It wasn't pretty.

Slipping back to enemy territory definitely would result in any answers to your mysterious past. You needed to be on good terms with Gally which meant not only apologizing for setting him off, but also forgiving him for causing you to lose your spot as Keeper. That wasn't going to be easy.

"Alright," you grumbled as you waved your hand, hoping the boys would take the hint and chill out. "I'll talk to him."

"Thanks, we owe you one."

"'Preciate it, Y/N."

The two wandered off to dinner with a newfound pep in their step. Things might start looking up for them soon, but that fate was now on your shoulders. You chewed on your nails and decided on taking a quick jog to build up the courage you would need.

Most of the gladers were already seated and chatting, save a couple of cooks that were rinsing dishes in the kitchen. Fry gave you shit about being late and how close he was to throwing your helping in with the slop for the pigs. It didn't take much to turn his opinion of you back around. Just an exaggerated compliment on his stew and a toothy grin was enough to win him over.

Chuck was waving you to a seat he had saved. Because of Gally's recent temper, Chuck was the only one who dared to sit with him during meals. Gally definitely knew you were the one Chuck was trying to wave over, but he was avoiding looking in your direction at all. Tragically, Newt and Minho had not saved room for you at their table.

Maybe it was all for the best. With that post-run high giving you a boost, it was now or never to make amends.

"Hey, Chuck," you greeted as you placed down your stew.

"You've been gone all day! I thought you only study for an hour. I need your help with the laundry. Alby says I do it wrong. The clothes still stink."

"Alby's clothes still stink because he's a stinky boy," you chirped, making Chuck feel slightly better about the terrible job he had been doing at one of his few assigned tasks. "Sorry I've been so busy. No one else can help you?

"Gally says he doesn't know how to do the laundry and Newt avoids me when I ask."

You flick a piece of bread at Gally, forcing him to look at you and ask, "The hell was that for?"

Rose// Gally Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now