Unsettling Feeling

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Nick looked over his shoulder at the box and repeated himself, whispering under his breath like he couldn't believe it, "It's a kid."

While Nick rubbed his face and tried to pull himself together, you, Newt, and Alby all shared concerned looks. Even when you showed up, Nick had kept his cool. There was a reason he was the leader of this hell of Earth, Nick always kept a level head. When he got angry, it was always justified by some dumb glader's actions. Like how you kept that note from him for three weeks. . .

Newt broke the silence, not being able to keep it in anymore, "The bloody hell do you mean 'a kid'? Like a child? A baby?"

"No, a kid! He's gotta be like twelve or something, I don't know, Newt! Young, okay?" Nick blurted, waving his hand around. "Listen, I need all the shanks in this shithole out of sight and minding their business for the next few hours. He doesn't need to be any more overwhelmed than he already is."

"I can have the baggers patrolling, making sure no one's stirrin' up trouble," Alby offered which gave Nick a bit of relief. That was one less thing to worry about.

"When Gally gets back with those clothes, take him with you patrolling. Tell everyone what's going on if you have to, just make sure they stay quiet and out of our way."

"Nick," you said hesitantly, "Why did you send Gally for a change of clothes. ."

The sorrowful look on Nick's face caused Newt to put two and two together: that smell from earlier and the way Nick sent everyone off and wouldn't let them look in the box. .

"S'cuz he's klunked his pants, innit?" Newt said with a disgusted glance over at the box. Much to everyone else's dismay, Nick nodded an affirmation. On reflex, Newt gagged at the thought of it, "Oh, god, that's-"

"Hey," Nick bit out sternly as he marched toward Newt, getting in his friend's face, "Slim it. You three are here because you are my best chances at taking this shit seriously. I don't have to send you off to wait in the Homestead with the rest of the idiots, do I?" Nick's cold tone had Newt swallowing thickly and shaking his head no. "Good, now, take Alby to run and grab a ladder from the shed for me."

There was a fearful muttering of, "Good that," as Newt swiftly pivoted and jogged off toward the tool shed with Alby at his side.

The way Nick's glare settled on you made your stomach do flips. You awkwardly shifted your weight from one foot to the next and pretended to be looking up at the sky. It was turning into another unforgiving to hot day without a cloud in sight, so there wasn't much to pretend to look up at.

"Every time a Greenie comes up, I have to answer their million questions about this place. They always ask the same ones, and by the end of the first night, they always ask about you," Nick admitted, causing you to finally break your gaze on the never-ending blue sky. "For most, believe it or not, they're concerned. One girl, just one. . They know something's not right. The fear in their eyes when I say I don't know why it's just you. . It's another mystery of the Glade that's hard not to think about."

"A burden," you offered. During your first few months in the Glade, wondering why you were out here kept you up every night. Why you. Why just you?

Nick didn't correct you, meaning he agreed. The mysteries of the Glade were a burden, they could easily drive someone mad. You'd seen it happen more than once, hell, it happened to your closest friend. You were lucky to still have him.

"I sent everyone else away to save the kid the embarrassment, but also. . To save that question for another time. He doesn't have to worry about everything all at once."

You tilted your head and asked, "Then why didn't you send me off to hide as well?"

"He's the only kid, you're the only girl. . Later on, he might find comfort in you for that. You're both different. But, he doesn't have to know that yet."

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