More than I know

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"Sakura!" Haku screamed after her as she took off in the other direction. 'This is some sick joke! None of this makes sense and they never believe me!' She thought before her body crashed into someone else. Groaning slightly she looked up to see jet black hair tied into a back pony tail with those same yellow eyes that seemed to haunt her.



A twisted grin was pointed in her direction, successfully giving her goosebumps. The words that she so desperately wanted to say were stuck in her dry mouth void of any moisture. "There something you running from little one?" Orochimaru questioned her in his slanted mouth dragging the 's' with each syllable.

"N-no sorry sir" she stuttered out avoiding his yellow snake eyes that continued to stare her down. There was no understanding of the situation she was now in, there was no...logic. The only way of survival was for her to keep her head low and get more answers.

"Mmm..." he said trailing off slightly. "I'll be seeing you then?" were the last words he uttered before disappearing. Breathing out loudly, she attempted to hold on to the wall, only for her legs to collapse again. "Ugh what is this shit?" she asked in frustration.

'I must be on drugs...' she thought, walking back towards her room slowly before her hand was tugged violently. "What's your damn problem?" Sasuke asked in a suspiciously calm voice. "Stop grabbing me, you idiot," she said, pushing him away from her slightly.

Sasuke attempted to grab her again but both his hands were grabbed by Itachi. "Sasuke, I told you to control your anger; you were doing so good lately," he said in disappointment, making Sasuke look down in annoyance.

"Sasuke you bastard!" Naruto screamed in anger following behind him were Haku and Kakashi, the later sending her his signature look.

'I gotta get outta here' she thought stepping back as Naruto started an argument with Sasuke. "Oh no you don't, stop right there, no more running," Kakashi said, grabbing the back of her hospital shirt.

Pushing his hand away she sent him a glare. "I get it guys; you can stop the genjutsu now Kakashi Sensei, I'll try to be better I promise" she said not wanting to sound as if she was whining.

The males gave her a confused look before looking at one another. "Um, Sakura as much as I appreciate you promising to be more truthful with us, I have no idea what you're talking about" she gazed at their faces to see if she could catch even the smallest mistake in the illusion.

"Haha nice prank guys I apologized, so we're good, I wanna get out of the genjutsu!"

Sasuke gave her a mocking laugh which made her blood boil. "You always think everything is about you huh-"

"Sasuke please just shut up!" Haku said finally speaking for the first time. "We always chastise Sakura, but we never really listen-"

"Because she always sounds insane!" Sasuke yelled interrupting Haku in a harsh tone. "Sasuke" Itachi said his name once letting him know to stay silent.

Itachi then sent a hard stare in her direction "you mentioned I was a S-Rank nin?"

"I don't have to answer you" she said glaring at him attempting to hide her fear.

"Oh really?"


I'm late so late! So sorry, I've been busy lately do I had no time. I hope everyone is written in character hopefully you enjoyed!

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