In my mind

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'Shit, I just can't mind my own business'


'Is it me or is it getting cold in here?' it was the first thought she had in days and the only thought that circulated in her empty head. It was pitch black with no sight of anyone (not that she wanted to see anyone in her head). A faint memory of a sword piercing her body and the taste of metallic was fresh in her memories, but all she could think of was being cold. One big detail Sakura noticed about the darkness around her was the body of water she happened to be standing on.

The reflection of herself was the only thing she could see as far as she knew and it made her feel even more creeped out. 'Kami please don't tell me I'm unconscious' she thought nervously.


Sakura realized very quickly that she was indeed not awake, but she could hear rather well.The woman who was aiding in her recovery was named Tsunami and for some reason that name was familiar and made her happy; until she learned of her current situation.

'I'm in a comatose state?' She thought bitterly folding her legs as she sat on the body of water. There was no way she was in a coma and she all but prayed that she was just a deep sleeper.

'Deep sleeper my ass...I'm stuck in my mind aren't I?' She thought in defeat not expecting anyone to answer her back anyways.


Naruto cried rather messy, she could tell that much from the liquid that fell on her arm praying it wasn't mucus. It was hard to hear his fumbling and shaking episodes as he came to watch her, which always ended up with him uncontrollably crying... it was pitiful.

Naruto would watch her from evening to night and sometimes mornings when he wasn't practicing his tree climbing exercise that Kakashi had them doing. He told her about his day and what everyone was doing. It was nice he thought of her,but it was expected that he would, he was such a warm and bright person.

  "You know can take as long as you want to wake up, I know its hard, but you can stay like this as long as you need..." he said softly knowing he wouldn't receive a reply.

It was easy to keep up with time because no matter what, Naruto always greeted and told her good night and for that she grateful.


Kakashi would visit only on certain days, which was okay. Kakashi was a person that was raised on death earlier in his life, so she wasn't mad when he rarely visited her and no matter how much she tried to be cool with it, she was bitter. 'I'll get over it' she thought sourly hearing a page turn.

    Apparently he was injured in his fight with Zabuza so he really had nothing more to do than teaching and babysitting.

Kakashi always bought his book with him to visit her and Sakura internally choked back laughter.


Sasuke would visit for at most an hour every few days. He would lean against the door for hours and never say a thing. The only movement would be the changing of the rag resting on her forehead. 'Tch that's the most he has ever done for me' she thought rolling her eyes.

'Thanks anyways Sasuke-Kun'


Sakura had a lot of time to think on her own and it became boring soon after. Other than the sound from outside it was silent. Never feeling sleepy or hungry just mentally defeated. Snapping her head to the right she immediately stood on her feet. There shouldn't be anyone else here except for her, so why was she hearing footsteps?

"Hello?!" She said taking steps back knowing she had no where to hide. Footsteps came rushing to her all of a sudden making her move her own legs to get away from the threat.

'There's someone else in here?!'


'You really are annoying'


Then she woke

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