One of a kind

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Chains flew out past her cutting her back length hair slightly and immediately going towards Kakashi-sensei along with another chain following right after to wrap round his body where his torso detached from the rest of his body.

"Kakashi sensei!"


Fear: it crawled up on you before you forgot to breath, it settled in your stomach and squeezed your throat and it slowly drove you insane.

It wasn't the fact that her teacher's torso was torn apart or the freshly torn flesh was lying on the road that fucked her mind up, but merely the thought that she has lived this very scene before. It was like she was looking in through a glass window frozen with fear.

A back was to her face in an instant,which snapped her out of her stupor ; Kakashi was alive and Naruto was the one in front of her in a protective stance with Tazuna cowering behind her back. It all happened so quickly and anger came rather quickly when she discovered the grey haired male was alive.

'Why is this happening?'

'Why did Kakashi-Sensei fake his death? To get information? to fuck with her mind? for a fucking couple of measly minutes! No,no,no he was protecting them they were safe'

Yes, they were safe

"You wanna explain what happened back there?" Kakashi asked in a calm but cold tone. Tazuna looked spooked and immediately held his hands up in surrender dropping the vile liquid on the dirt road. "I-I had no idea this would happen!" He stuttered backing away into a tree. "I suggest you get talking or we're turning around and going back to Konoha" Kakashi said narrowing his eye.


It wasn't at all difficult to get the information out of the stampering old man. He was being targeted by a man known as Gato in order to prevent the bridge from being finished. Tazuna wasn't the wealthiest so a C-rank was all he could afford.

Kakashi was all for going back if it wasn't for Naruto who wanted to help the old geezer. What can they say Naruto had a way with words.

On their continued journey it was tense which all but kept Tazuna sober as he was worried about Kakashi harming him in any way. It was times like these where Sakura needed inner, for as much as she didn't want to admit it, she was lonely and it seemed like something else was invading her mind and it wasn't inner.


Upon arriving to the foggy village she immediately realized something was off it was quiet and the flash of a small creature made it's way past her eyesight, which was soon followed by a kunai lodging into its fur by a jumpy Naruto. Sasuke made a rude remark on how clumsy Naruto was that would of course start an argument.

     Ignoring the argument of the two boys they continued Walking on their original path and yet she felt a chill past by her ear widening her eyes "Get down!" she screamed signalling her teammates who snapped their heads in her direction.

An overly large sword came whirling over their heads lodging itself into the ground.Kakashi snapped his eye to her and quickly took action seeming to recognize the person who threw it. Without any hesitation he snatched his mask down to reveal a deep crimson eye. Sasuke's eyes widened immediately.

     A man covered in bandages and skin a dark grey came walking into the clearing. A deep chuckle came from him as Kakashi made them stand back. "The sharingan huh? I guess you know who I am?" he asked picking up his sword to swing it over his back. "What is the great copy cat ninja doing in mist, hm?" he continued as he tilted his head to the side. "I'm gonna have to finish this in an instant" Kakashi  said ignoring his questions.

"Oh you're that confident? trust me I won't be too easy to beat" the man eyed them all and started to laugh "You got you some brats huh?" he asked with a smirk pulling out a kunai to twirl it around his fingers


'Can you understand? Not having a dream...not being needed by anyone...the pain of merely being alive'


"Sakura-chan?..." Naruto said softly as she was zoned out and walking closer to the dangerous fight in front of them. Her body moving and her mind absent.


'I realised the most painful thing...that in this world existence was not needed'


Everyone was one of a kind even people like him, No one had to die, but that vision of a small boy and that very man standing in front of her were dead not now, but then and it scared her like a bitch.

     "SAKURA!" she was hearing her name, but it was distant."Kakashi you gotta pay more attention to the little maggots..." Zabuza said with a scowl as she hit the cold ground. 'This didn't happen before... at least I don't think it did'

'Shit, I just can't mind my own business'

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