For better or worse

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Thinking of her past mistakes made her cringe a bit. That Asura and Indra said that my mind connected me to their world that one time, so maybe the world I resided in wasn't actually mine to begin with so...maybe I'm the intruder.


'I have to do something' she thought anxiously biting the skin peeling from her lip. Two days in this reality and everyone thought she was batshit. 'What's the point being here if no one believes me; just like the other universe...what am I saying? There is no other universe I'm simply dreaming..'

Sakura found herself frequently rambling her thoughts redundantly. It was pathetic, but it calmed her itching palms.

"Haruno-san?" A voice startled her from her thinking. Gazing into black eyes she became noticeably nervous. It was him: the last Uchiha she wanted to see.

The male stood there with a air of calmness around himself, something she noticeably lacked. "Uh-sorry" she gathered herself to bow to the taller male. Itachi made no further move and instead backed away. Clearing her throat she moved pass the nonchalant boy.


"They know, they know" she muttered quietly walking the heavily trafficked streets. Backing into a wall she slowly took a deep breath.

This new Konoha was like her own, but the dead walked before her eyes and the enemies were allies. It was something she would never be use to and she was sure everyone could tell.

'I have to work on my facial expressions a bit' she thought walking into her home. The team would have a meeting soon to discuss the Chunin exams last segment. The pinkette would not be participating, because she apparently 'fainted' when she was fighting.

Why they wanted her to attend the exams was beyond her comprehension. Maybe they wanted to gloat or watch her, nothing really changed with the way her teammates from her other world treated her.

The home she grew up in was barren most days. Mebuki worked tirelessly to support the both of them and it made Sakura feel pathetic. Walking to her room she plopped in her bed and let out a sigh of relief. Thoughts circled her mind but the main one was the disappearance of the voice who inhabited her tired mind.

"Yo!" A voice called from her left only to be returned with a terrified scream. "What the hell are you doing in my room!?" She exclaimed running to the pink walls to brace herself. "Oh you're good!" he said brightly with a sarcastic voice. "You really showed your ninja skills there Haruno-chan!" Shisui saluted with a laugh.

Embarrassment took over quickly as she realized he got in her room without her notice. "I was thinking" she grumbled walking out her room to descend the creaky oak stairs. "I can see that...about what exactly?" He said following close behind at a carelessly fast pace. Sakura raised an eyebrow at his skill, 'this guy is definitely someone with a high rank'

Shisui smiled "you know you could get some lessons if you need? I teach Sasuke-chan with Itachi? It could help you..." he trailed off.  Sakura frowned at his suggestion but considered it. Itachi was said to be a generational prodigy and Shisui was showed skills she didn't know too much about, but the thought of being around people she didn't trust was vexing. "I don't know...Sasuke isn't too fond of me" she reminded the happy Uchiha taking an apple from the counter.

The male seemed to chuckle in response but nodded. "The offer still stands, so if you change your mind meet me tomorrow for a session at the team 7 grounds" he then flickered away.

"Um hi" she said standing in front of the three males. Sasuke seemed indifferent which was odd. Itachi nodded her way while Shisui jumped flickered in her face with a splitting grin. "I'm so glad you made it" he said clasping his hands.

"Why don't we do something different this time?" Shisui suggested taking her hand to lead her by them. Sasuke checked over her appearance which she frowned at. 'What's their problem' she thought forcing her nails in her palm. "Let's play hide and seek!"

A/N: Hey everyone I updated finally even though it's been 2 years I think. I apologized as I've been kinda being lazy truthfully and school/ work has made it hard to update. I'll attempt to at least update two times  a week but sometimes I can update multiple times when I'm in the mood.

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