Some truth

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    Sakura gulped staring at her teacher who looked suspicious enough to kill her on the spot. A laugh echoed in her head in amusement 'oh you've done it this time sweetheart, now who's the stupid one?'

     'Why is he so mad? it's just a freaking Jutsu'

Sakura was rather smart and quick witted when it came to books. It was no doubt about it, she was the smartest girl in class back in the academy.No matter the situation she would solve it in lightning speed although she had no idea how to solve this here problem she made for herself.

"I'll ask you one more time Sakura..." Kakashi said in a cold but slow voice his suspicion growing each second. "I-I see...things" she finally admitted digging her nails in her arm. His eye raised slightly indicating his eyebrow being arched. "You see what now?" He asked finally putting his book away.

"I see...certain things and I'm not sure if I can tell you" she repeated again trying to make sense out of the whole thing.

"What does that exactly mean?" he asked calmly trying to not make her run off again, while he was finally getting her to talk to him. "I just see some things that I can't explain, and I can't exactly tell you how I know these things because even I don't know" she said staring at hopping that he would believe her.

      "...and before you think I'm lying I-" she paused when he she felt his hand on her head so she could stop talking.

"I don't want you to think I don't trust you Sakura... and I also want you to learn to trust me. I see the way you look at us sometimes and it's like you separate yourself from the rest of us on purpose." he said taking his hand off her head to stare straight at her.

"I'm a ninja first before anything and if I think you're not who you say you are i'll have no choice but to tell the Hokage, there are just some things you seem to know,which you should have no knowledge of" he took a breath then he continued "I'm sorr-" he paused before letting out a sigh and walking away stiffly.

'How suspicious can someone be of a pink haired little girl' the voice purred in her ear. Staring ahead she tightly clenched her fist 'He didn't even apologize'


Upon reaching her house she immediately smelled the cooking of her mother which lifted her spirits somewhat. "I'm home!" She announced taking off her shoes to approach the busy blond who was humming a tune.

"Sakura how was practice" she questioned going to the table to place the food. Sakura gave her a quick smile while grabbing some chopsticks "it went okay" She answered nonchalantly snapping her chopsticks to get ready and eat. Her mother raised an eyebrow, but refrained from asking another question.



Sakura woke early from her restless sleep with a groan. 'Shikumaru was right, life is a drag' she thought sitting on the side of the bed to take a deep breath.


"Sakura-chan!" an all too familiar voice yelled getting her and all the other participants that were outside the schools attention. There stood Naruto in his bright orange jumpsuit waiting for her outside their old academy building. Sakura looked at him in embarrassment.

'Sometimes I wonder how he can look so dopey all the time' she thought with a small smile which was instantly dropped when her other teammate bumped her shoulder on his way past her. "Pay attention" he briefly said walking past a pissed Naruto.

As they went in towards the area a loud commotion could be heard near them. "Let us pass!" A girl with a traditional Chinese shirt and twin buns yelled out in anger accompanied by an all too familiar Hyuuga and another male with a noticeably tight green spandex outfit.

'This is...familiar somehow' she thought looking at the surrounding area to observe what was happening. "Right Sakura?" Sasuke's voice interrupted her train of thought successfully startling her. "huh" she replied looking at her pale teammate to notice he asked her a question.

He scoffed at her "never mind that" he said getting ready to walk away from the group in annoyance. 'Is he seriously upset because I didn't hear him?' She thought in confusion.

"Hold on there what's your name?" The quiet Hyuuga said to Sasuke who smirked. "Isn't it common Courtesy to give your name first?" Neji frowned in return, but still said his name which Sasuke also finally answered back.

Naruto seemed irritated that Sasuke was once again getting attention and he wasn't. While Sakura was trying to avoid the look that the bowl cut boy was giving her.

Her hand was then snatched and a smile was flashed her way. "Hello dear cherry blossom will you give me the honor of going on a date with me?!" He announced loudly making sure to wink. "Date?" She questioned in amazement. 'He's worse than Haku...' she thought with a cringe.

"I don't think dating is my main focus right now..." she answered as kind as she could. 'Oh character development? Gross' the voice said out of nowhere instantly changing her mood.

Lee looked on in sadness but still put a thumbs up. "I will never stop trying so please wait for me!" He said a sunny background appearing out of nowhere.

Team seven then started to head toward the door to the next floor. Sakura let out a sigh realizing she never acknowledged Neji once instead choosing to ignore the stare he gave her as they walked away. '


'wait...wasn't there supposed to be a big fight Scene between Sasuke and Lee?'


Thank you for reading!

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