Watching me

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'Wait...wasn't there supposed to be a big fight Scene between Sasuke and Lee?'

     'What if I told you that you my dear could see the future..." The voice in her head commented randomly while she and her teammates were walking towards the doors ; ultimately pausing her movements 'I'd say you were more psycho than I initially thought' she replied in a careful tone.

     'The universe is infinite there are so many possibilities and different many different dimensions, but what can I explain to a little girl with pink hair about life?'

     Sakura frowned at his use of words. It was the first time this thing spoke seriously to her. He was like a parasite in her mind and she didn't know how to get rid of him...but what if he was trying to hint at something. '...and why does he keep mentioning my hair?' She thought in annoyance

     "...SAKURA?!" Her name was yelled successfully taking her out of her state of mind. "Oh sorry I was thinking of something " she said awkwardly before continuing to walk past them; her teammates looked at each other in confusion before following after her.

     "What were you thinking about?" Sasuke surprisingly asked her, which made Naruto look her way waiting for an answer. 'I guess he's back to being suspicious' she thought with a sigh.

     "just the upcoming exams" she answered shortly taking larger steps to out walk the other two males.Opening the door she was surprised to see Kakashi and Haku.

     "Woah Kakashi-sensei and girly boy?!" Naruto announced which got a kunai thrown at his feet successfully knocking him down.

Haku then went up to Sakura with a pout and picked her up to embrace her. "W-wait Haku!" she tried get down in embarrassment while Naruto was already getting his own kunai ready. "Let Sakura-Chan go bastard" he said attempting to hit the agile boy with little success.

Kakashi looked at the scene with little interest and pulled out his book. Sasuke stared at the whole scene with a twitching eye. "You idiots are seriously gonna-"

"Ehem" Kakashi finally said with a crinkled closed eye that let them know he was smiling. "You guys seem excited huh? Well I'm not gonna keep you long I just wanted to wish you guys luck" he said saluting two fingers their way.

Haku finally let Sakura down and passed Naruto with a smirk and a flick to the forehead to stand by Kakashi. "Good luck Sakura-Chan and others" Haku said smiling her way. Sasuke rolled his eyes and started walking towards the door.

Kakashi gave her one last look and signaled Haku to follow him.

     "You ready guys?!" Naruto asked them both with both his hands punching the air. "Whatever" Sasuke said walking past them both to enter. Sakura gave Naruto a small smile in encouragement which he greatly appreciated.

"Ok let's go!"


     "I think I just peed" Naruto whispered to Sakura who had to agree with him. Upon entering the room they were greeted with an audience of different ninja from all over the great nations.

     Sasuke put on an emotionless face so he wasn't underestimated, while Naruto who was clearly terrified put on a brave face.

     "Sakura..." a familiar voice said from afar. Ino gazed at the pinkette with an unreadable expression on her face. Staring at the blond in confusion she inwardly slapped herself. Memories flooded back to her of that horrible night. Shikamaru and Choji stood next to Ino staring at her with equal expressions.

     "I want answers, you have avoided me this far, but you're not getting away that easy. Ino said taking a step forward. 'Oh Shit' she thought in annoyance. Kiba, Shino and Hinata then appeared all giving their respective greetings before giving confused glances between the two girls.

     'I need to work on my people skills' she thought avoiding the eyes of the many people looking her way. "So Sakura-San... I heard you've been in and out the hospital lately?" Hinata stuttered attempting to guide the conversation in another direction which only seemed to stir up more drama.

     "Yeah Sakura, I heard that too how are you?" Ino asked in anger. 'Wow she is angry' she thought taking a step back. "I'm fine guys, just the regular hospital visits that a ninja will of course take" she said calmly trying to get the topic off her.

     Silence followed right after. Naruto who would usually chip in on her sake stayed quiet.

     'Eventually the things you do will get others attention...' the voice said randomly.

     "Look guys thanks for the concern,but last time I checked we've never talked before right?" Naruto frowned at her sentence "I would have to agree"

     "Sakura-chan, you disappeared for a week you get hurt all the time—we don't even talk about what happened in wave..." he said trailing off " never tell us anything and all you do is avoid our questions" he said with a low voice joining in on the conversation putting her deeper in a deeper hole.

      "You guys are seriously asking me this? and it's literally an exam about to take place?" she asked trying to laugh it off,but they knew she was angry. "I-I'm sorry for asking Sakura-San I didn't know it would offend you...I was just worried" Hinata replied avoiding looking her way to face the ground.

     "No it's a valid seem different" Shikamaru chimed suspicion lacing his voice before she was successfully saved by a newcomer

     "I don't know about you guys, but I would be a bit more quiet if I were you" a silver haired male with round glasses said walking towards them.

'Saved by the bell'


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