chapter six

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After checking out the crime scene you and Emily get into the car. Seconds later Emily's phone rings.

"You're on speaker Hotch." She says answering the phone.

"I know it's quick but we found our unsub. He's grabbing girls from clubs. He dances with them sexually while feeling them up, then asks them if they want to go back to his place." Hotch speaks.

"Do we know where he is?" You chime in.

"Actually y/n, this is why I'm calling. I know this is your first case but I wanted to see if you'd be comfortable going undercover. All of the victims have been your age and resembled your body type. You'd be going into the bar he uses to lure his victims in, and we would wait till he came to you."

"I have no problem with that sir." You say without a question.

With that you and Emily head back to the station so you can get ready.

When you arrive there Hotch hands you something to go get changed into. You walk into the bathroom and slip into a skin tight red dress that hugs your body. It comes so short you're afraid with one step your ass will be out. The dress sparkles and has a plunge. You look in the mirror and let out a breathe you didn't even know you were holding. This is it. It's time to go.

You walk out to the team and they all stare at you.

"Damn mama you look fine." Morgan says with a laugh looking you up and down.

You roll your eyes at him and hit his arm. He throws his hands up in surrender.

You catch Spencer staring at you. When he sees you notice him his face burns and he clears his throat.

"You look nice y/n." He rubs the back of his neck and try's giving you a small smile.

"Thank you Spence." You smile back.

With that you're on your way to the club.

"Okay, when you go in you're going to be wearing an ear pierce. We will all be listening to everything happening. When he brings you out of the bar, you press this button and we will be there to make the arrest. Are you sure you're okay with doing this?" Hotch question.

"Yes sir, thank you." You begin to walk towards the small club when Spencer grabs your arm.

"Hey y/n.. please be careful." He looks concerned. It's sweet.

"Don't worry about me Spencer. I'm tough." You laugh to brighten the mood. He forces a soft smile in return.

You then walk into the club. It's a small club, almost more like a bar. You sit down at the bar section, the bartender new prior what was going on so he handed you shots of water throughout the night. About 30 minutes in a man approached you. He was the unsub.

"Hey there -hic- pretty little l-lady." The man is clearly shit faced. Can barely speak let alone walk straight, but you have to play nice.

"Hey handsome." You say seductively, you lean forward towards him revealing some more of your chest. He stares right at it.

"W-why don't we go danceee." The man absolutely reeks of alcohol, but you nod at him.

You follow the man out and he quickly grabs your waste pulling the back of you into him. He shoves your ass against him by pulling your hips back and holding them tightly. After not even a second you feel something hard against your ass. He starts to tighten his grip on you and pulls you closer. You feel disgusting like you could cry, but you hold it in. You try to ignore the fact that there's cameras set up everywhere in here so the team can see you.

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