chapter fifteen

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You're in a warehouse. William walks in angrily and begins hitting you. You scream and cry for Spencer as William pulls you into another room, tying you to the bed. He begins to strip you. You continue screaming. Spencer, Spencer...

"SPENCER HELP! HELP SPENCER!!" You wake up in the hospital bed in a panic. You can't catch your breathe.

"Aw baby I'm right here. Shhh I'm right here baby." Spencer immediately pulls you into a hug and strokes the back of your head.

"I.. I.. I had a dream.. about.. about.."  You stutter barely able to breathe. Tears stream down your face.

"It's okay baby. I know. You don't have to tell me honey. Just breathe." Spencer gets into the bed with you and lays down next to you. He pulls you right on top of him. Him lying on his back and you on on your stomach. He rubs your back and kisses your head.

"Wh- what time is it Spence." You whisper beginning to calm down.

"It's only 4 in the morning honey. Try to get some sleep. I'm right here." He whispers back.

You listen to Spencers heart beat to help you drift off to sleep.

"Aw they look so cute." You hear JJ say as you begin to wake up.

"Well hello.. everybody." Spencer says. You're still lying on top of him not sure wether to move or not. So you just pretend that you're still sleeping.

"So kid, spill it. Are you guys together?" Rossi says to Spencer.

"Well.. yes. Finally I can say we are." Spencer begins stroking your hair.

"That's really great. She seems like a good girl and we can't wait to get to know her more." Hotch says.

"Yeah man. Don't hurt her though or else you're in big trouble." Morgan chuckles.

"Don't worry. I would never in a million years hurt her." Spencer says and kisses your head.

You smile into him and feel your cheeks begin to burn red.

"Are you awake princess?" Spencer must have felt you smile into him.

"Mhmm." You don't move, nervous to face the team.

"Everyone's here to check on you." He says softly to you.

You roll over, Spencer's arms wrapped around you, you lay next to him and slightly on top of him.

You give everyone a light smile.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Emily says softly, like she thinks you could break.

"Oh.. I'm okay. Had a bit of a panic in the middle of the night but other then that I'm good." You don't look directly at Emily. You're too nervous to make eye contact. You can't stop thinking about what the team saw.

"Hey baby girl don't be ashamed. None of what we saw was your fault. You know that, right?" Morgan says with a concerned look.

"Yeah.. thank you all so much." You give the team a warm smile as you feel relief.

"Well the doctor says that you're free to go. You can take as long off of work as you feel you need. You've been cleared to fly so wheels up in an hour if that's okay with you y/n." Hotch says giving you a soft smile.

"That's fine by me." You smile back as the team exists the room.

"Um, y/n.. can I ask you something?" Spencer looks at you twiddling his thumbs. He seems nervous.

sweet honey (spencer reid x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon