chapter twenty-two

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You're at the police station with Prentiss looking through evidence. JJ and Rossi are talking to the family, while Spencer, Hotch, and Morgan are at the crime scene.

Garcia briefed you all on the plane. The unsub has been killing families of three. A mother, a son, and a daughter in each family. You made a point that the unsub could be a man who's wife divorced him and he was forced to leave his two children. So that's what you are all currently working with.

"Hey, are you okay?" Prentiss says.

"Oh, yeah, why?" You say looking up from the file you were going through.

"I just tried to ask you something three times and you didn't hear me at all." Emily chuckles.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry. Yeah I've just been feeling off I don't know why. My stomach is kind of upset." You say looking back at the files.

"You think your sick?" Emily asks.

"No I don't think so, I don't really get sick. My stomach just feels a little funny." You give Prentiss a small smile.

At around 6 the rest of the team comes back. There wasn't much progress today. You know this is going to be a rough case.

"How about we all go to get Chinese at this nice restaurant I saw around the corner. To celebrate." Morgan proposes.

"I think that's a good idea, is everyone else up for that?" Hotch asks.

"Yeah I think that'd be great." You smile, and the rest of the team agrees.

You along with the rest of the team gets into two separate SUV's going to the Chinese restaurant. It only takes about 3 minutes to drive there.

You walk into the restaurant, fingers laced with Spencer's, and the smell hits you all at once.

"Wow that is um.. definitely Chinese food." You say feeling your stomach turn.

"Where is the restroom?" You ask approaching the hostess.

"Right down that hall to the left." The women says pointing.

You release Spencer's hand and speed walk to the bathroom.

You run into a stall and immediately fall to your knees puking into the toilet. It gets so bad that tears prick in your eyes. After about a minute of none stop vomiting you sink to the floor next to the toilet and cry. You haven't thrown up since you were 14, and that was only because you accidentally drank spoiled milk.

"Y/n?" You hear Spencer say.

"Hi Spence." You whisper sniffling.

"Baby are you okay?" Spencer says concerned, kneeling on the floor by you.

"I threw up Spencer." You say as a tear falls down your face.

"Hun, you never throw up what happened?" Spencer says, sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, and pulling you into his lap.

"I don't know.. my stomach has felt weird all day and the smell of the Chinese food just set it off." You say holding onto Spencer and looking into his eyes.

"Baby Chinese food is your favorite. I wonder what's going on." He says concerned, running his fingers through your hair.

You rest your head on Spencer's chest and wrack your brain for all the things that could have made you throw up. You've never reacted to anything like that. You know you're not sick. You know it's nothing you ate. So that leaves one other possibility.

Then it hits you. Your eyes widen and you slowly pull your head away from Spencer's chest. Staring at the floor in shock.

"Honey are you okay?" Spencer asks concerned.

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