Chapter 1

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Book 1: Prodigy
Chapter 1–Daily Life

A calm breeze swept through the small village, semi calming down the raging heat that the Fire Country was known for. It was always hot during almost everyday, and it only stopped when it rained, but even then the rain was always brief and most of times barely lasted a day.

A young boy with short curly hair stopped his slow gait and looked up at the cloudless sky, holding up a hand to cover his eyes from the sun. In his Village it was hot more often than not but sometimes they'd take noticeably long breaks with fall and winter changing the climate. Back then he'd never like the changes, but here he'd welcome it.

Sure is hot. But when isn't it? He thought before sighing and continuing his slow gait. He'd done this practically everyday because his new parents were non-bending farmers that had owned a small farm in which he helped out on. His parents had noticed that he was unusually smart and unusually strong for his age, and so they had put him to work. He didn't mind it really as his father was sick with some type of illness and wasn't able to work as much as he was supposed too.

That left all the work for Shisui. And he'd been all to happy to do so. He was tired of sitting around doing nothing with his mother. She was nice and all but he was bored easily.

Speaking of bending, Shisui hadn't been able to bend fire at all. Of course he didn't know how to anyway but his parents had told him that it was a natural thing that could activate at anytime and had told him to be patient. He was still young after all.

Of course he didn't mind. He was glad that he was normal, maybe he could face less conflict now that he was. He ceased his thinking when you came across a familiar, large tree came into view. Gripping the straps of the large wooden container just as large as him, he sprinted off in the direction of the tree that contained the reddish-brown fruit.

He grinned a bit when he reached the tree and took the large container off his back and set it on the ground gently. He then unhooked the hatches placed to close it and opened it from the top. Stepping back to look at it and make sure it was opened, he nodded his head before forming a hand seal.

He felt the small amount of chakra swirling up inside of him. He had noticed that him chakra was significantly smaller than what it was when he died back in his world. He chalked it up to him becoming a child once more as one had to build the chakra that they had. But he also felt this other energy. And it overpowered his own chakra by margins. The amount that he had was actually staggering, and if he were to compare it to the chakra he used to possess than he'd say it was a lot bigger by far. Perhaps this world had there own thing, similar and different from chakra. He had theorized that one was born with the amount of this new energy that earth we than one building it up.

But there was a flaw, of course.

And that was that since his new energy overpowered his natural one, it made training with chakra almost impossible. He couldn't find the balance with the two so he knew that jutsu were out of the question until he could. Then, he didn't even know how to use this new energy so he couldn't stop it from mixing in with his chakra which threw off any control he had tried to establish. So, he did what anyone would do when they couldn't control their chakra. He trained with his control, of course! And there was no better way than some old fashion Tree Walking.

His eyes bursted open and he took off in the direction of the tree. His foot connected with side of the tree and, as practiced, stuck to it before his other foot followed the first, all before he sped up the tall tree.

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