Chapter 5

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Book 1: Prodigy
Chapter 5–Change

When Shisui came to, he had actually momentarily forgotten what had transpired hours ago. But it wasn't for long, and those memories came back to him quickly. All what had happened just left a bitter taste in his mouth. Yea, he had won but what he had learned about the Fire Lord just didn't sit right with him. From a young age he was taught that the Fire Lord was always right, his word the truth and absolute. To find out that the Fire Lord was capable of using his own daughter to his own ends sickened him. It was utterly disgusting.

And he couldn't do a damn thing about it.

He looked down at his hands resting on his lap. They were empty; just as he felt on the inside. So much for victory. This was one problem he was miles away from solving.

This isn't over, Fire Lord. I will regain my strength, and if that isn't enough I will gain even more to defeat you. To show you that what you're doing is wrong, and that your words aren't absolute. Shisui thought, eyes shining with determination and face tightening into a grimace when he squeezed his hands in a fist.


Shisui was lead back to the Fire Lord after a guard had discovered that he was awake. He was given medicine to reduce the pain in his muscles that he over-exerted. The guard that took him into the room bowed and motioned for Shisui to do the same. He relented, not wanting to further anger the Fire Lord and put himself in another Agni Kai. With the way his muscles were screaming even just standing right now, he was sure to lose.

"Just as promised, I plan to keep my part of the deal." Shisui felt the need to sigh in relief until his next words came out. "But I'd like to welcome your family as royalty for this Great Nation. I will be extending an invitation to your family. It has already been sent out."

What the hell? What was he doing? I'm utter disbelief, Shisui ran a hand through his hair and tried to figure out what the most powerful fire bender intended to do. He wouldn't just do this for no reason.

"You're quite a curious child." Continued Ozai. "I can see that look of contemplation on your face. You are beginning to understand why I'm extending such an invitation, and if that is so, I see no reason to hide it from you. After all, it is already a foregone conclusion."

"You have talent that has to be nurtured and watched. My daughter, the Fire Princess, has been training nearly since birth, and yet, an unseasoned, untrained, and under-ranked boy managed to beat her. Her Fire Bending is already on a level of that of Generals and yet you can not only react to them but move your body and even find a way to counterattack accordingly. Truly, you have great potential, but you lack respect."

The silhouette on the curtain moved and it seemed that it grew 2 times in size like it was nothing. "And I will be the one to drive it into you, with my own hands."

Shisui could no longer keep himself quiet. "What are you talking about?"

"You will be my own personal student."

Shisui knew he probably looked a little funny, but he honest couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mouth closed and open over and over, looking like a fish out of water. He tried to form a sentence but couldn't. The Fire Lord; he would be training under him.

"I can tell." Shisui gritted out, his head lowered. "That you have something planned. But, it won't work like you think it will."

Angry, he raised his head, his eyes filled with a determined glare. "I will not go with whatever you have planned."


Shisui found himself home days later, having completed three task, two of which he'd given to himself. One was to deliver his goods, two was to get that boy out of prison, which he had succeeded after being let out of the presence of the Fire Lord, and the third was to just make it home alive. He found the third the hardest to accomplish, but he did it. He was home he thought hugging him mom tightly.

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