Author's Note

1.7K 55 9

This is one of my most requested books and as such I want you all to know that it is currently being rewritten. I have reviewed the first five chapters and saw easily recognizable mistakes and also what I will be doing in this current chapter that I was about to release.

Truthfully, I think I've failed to truly realize the terror of being before the Fire Lord would entail and the distinction of his character, but I think the scene itself is fine for moving the plot so I'll keep it in.

Chapters were only going to be 3k to 5k but as of now every chapter will be up to 8k with an upwards of 10. This is to make the flow much easier to follow with fewer chapters and I've decided to treat each "book" as a season. I've revised the books from 3 parts into 5 since the first three are heavily focused on Shisui's path in this new world.

I'm still fully working out the story and how I will introduce important characters but I have an idea for the ending of book 1 in mind. At the end of each book I will ask for a rating you give it out of 10 and I would like it with some constructive feedback if you can do so.

Thank you guys for loving this story!

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