Chapter 7

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Book 1: Prodigy
Chapter 7Steps

Shisui didn't think he'd be doing anything Shinobi like during his time in this new world. Sure, he tried to relearn old abilities, but that was more for fun and passing the time than anything.

Now he needs to put those skills to the test.

He had the luxury of knowing where his enemy would appear. All he had to do was wait them out and ambush them. He'd already decided how he would do so. The letter would never reach him room. He set out makeshift Ninja traps. He didn't have a chance to bring any weapons with him and could only get some Kunai or Shuriken made sparingly from allowances he was given before his family became nobles.

His traps had been made from things around the house, so any ninja would immediately see through it, but that didn't mean those Firebenders could as well. That's what he was banking on.

The moonlight began to disappear and he looks up to see a large cloud begin to overtake the full moon. He feels a pain in his stomach. Was he nervous? No, just jitters from a cold night. Waiting atop a nearby rooftop didn't help either.

He hears the sound of footsteps that could only come from contacting the top of a roof and peaks over a small chimney to see a cloaked man nearing his home. Damn, he was fast. But he was quickly gaining on the first trap.

Shisui pulls one of three kunai he has and lightly sets it against a nearly invisible wire. He lands on Shisui's roof, on top of where his room would be and Shisui cuts the wire with a fluid motion. Wire that held the wet tiles up fell down causing the man to begin sliding off the roof. Shisui cuts another wire as he falls off taking away his recovery as old toys he'd gotten as a child were released from a window in his room that had been covered with a sheet.

The masked Firebender uses quick shots of fire bending coming from his palms to maneuver away from the falling toys and onto another building nearby. A second later, Shisui lands on the same building. Those were the only traps he'd been able to set up with limited supplies and resources. They definitely weren't the best.

"You're stubborn. But he said that you were likely to fight."

"Who's he?!" Shisui demands.

"You may find out if you do as you're told. Now, get out of my way."

Shisui had already made up his mind. He gets into a fighting stance. "No. You'll tell me who he is, and where you put my friend."

It looks like the man isn't taking him too serious. He isn't getting into a matching stance to fight him, only staring at him, almost condescendingly. Shisui decides to take the first step, running across the rooftop to meet the masked man.

Shisui doesn't reach him, not even close. A wave of fire large enough to encompass the entire rooftop charges at him. Shisui nearly falls trying to stop his run and leaps off the building just in time to avoid the large wave of fire. He pushes chakra to his feet and lands on the side of the building. He begins to run along it and leaps up when he would have been behind the man. Shisui didn't see a single thing atop the roof except for residue flames left by his opponent's earlier attack.

Shisui ears suddenly caught the noise of rushing flames, but it was too late. Two feet smash into his back and he falls through the roof they were on top of, slamming onto dusty floor on the second floor. Dazed, his eyes still catch fire coming from closed fist allowing the man to levitate.

'He can fly with bending?' Shisui thinks, shocked. He's never seen such a thing. Slowly, he brings himself to his knees as the man looks through the hole atop the roof.

"You cannot beat us without learning to Firebend."

"Let's see about that!" Shisui grits, shooting himself off the ground and up at the ceiling. He takes the man off guard and crashes into him forcing him to fall onto the ground. The man tries to get up quickly but Shisui pulls two shuriken and throws them as hard as he can. They spin through the air and land on the man's cloak, attaching in to the rooftop tiles. Shisui tried landing on top of the man for a planned interrogation but it failed as the man uses fire from one hand to burn away his cloak and another to fire at Shisui from below.

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