Chapter 3

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Book 1: Prodigy
Chapter 3–Agni Kai

When Shisui finally came to, he found himself bound against a wall with heavy, steel chains so tightly that none of his limbs could even reach halfway toward the other. Shisui panicked slightly before he realized where he was.

And more importantly why.

He felt like sighing and mumbled, "I just attacked the Fire Princess in broad daylight." He wasn't sure how he was going to get himself out of this one. It seemed he was always find some way to get himself in trouble these days.

The door to his room creaked open and Shisui looked up to find a guard, now glaring at him and looking at him as if he were dirt itself. Shisui shot him a glare in return.

The man didn't say a word, simply going to his restraints and taking them off the wall but not his body. When he caught Shisui glancing at the restraints he tugged them, showing how tough his grip was.

"Don't try anything." He warned. "I have orders to burn you away if you do."

Shisui, to his credit, didn't react outwardly, something most people in general wouldn't have able to do in his situation. "Where are you taking me?" Being pulled along like some kind of animal was something Shisui felt he couldn't tolerate for too long.

"Why the hell should I tell you, brat?" He continued to pull Shisui along, but a bit more harsher now. "Just shut the hell up and keep walking."

Asshole. Shisui thought, the rattling on the chain and the force on his risk keeping his anger in check. He was sure at that moment he was a second away from retaliating and breaking out of his restraints. But he wasn't sure if he could escape from the man and escape wherever they were holding him.

He would rather be safe than sorry.

He scans his surroundings as he's pulled along harshly, taking in the metal walls and floors. He felt a bit weird being so close together and not having nearly as much as freedom to do much.

At times like this, he really wished he had the Body Flicker. It gave him a sort a freedom he couldn't describe.

Finally, he makes it to a large room, sort of looking like a thrown room with all the expensive looking decor. But he has no time to get a good look at the large thrown as he is forced down into a bow by the guard who also gets low to pay respect.

"Is this the boy?" A deep voice sends shivers down Shisui's spine and he would've looked up to see where it came from if not for the giant hand on the back of his head. "Azula?"

Small footsteps make their way into the room and Shisui, despite his nervousness, forces his eyes close to focus on the sound.

They stop in the middle of the room.

"Yes, Father." The voice sounded haughty, bold, and most of all really, really annoying. "This is the boy who attacked me back at the guard station."

Silence followed after that, and Shisui could admit that nervous sweat was dripping down his face and his face did that thing where it looked like he was kind of smirking.

He hated it when it did that.

That man broke the silence with booming authority. "Boy, you might not know but the act you committed was treason against the Fire Nation. Because of this you will be sentenced to death."

Now Shisui was fighting against that big hand holding him down. This was serious. He hoped to god this wasn't the Fire Lord he was currently speaking to and the man currently sentencing him to death. He desperately wanted to see him. He needed to know.

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