Chapter 10

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Book 1: Prodigy
Chapter 10Surprise Attack

The morning sun burst through the open windows of his training room just as he performed a perfect roundhouse kick. He forced his tired muscles to stay in that position. A bead of sweat hit stained the wooden floor beneath him, though it was but a single drop to the already stained floor.

He'd been training since he got home yesterday evening. Learning the most aggressive styles of Firebending. He knew that if he couldn't learn Firebending itself that the best way to actually defend against attacks would be to learn the styles, engrain them into his mind, and then come up with proper counterattacks for each style. He chose the aggressive styles first because only the strongest Firebenders could use these styles, and he was sure that the one he'd fought and the one Azula had fought used aggressive styles.

His muscles gave out and he dropped onto his back. He was glad he'd taken his shirt off, otherwise, he would feel very sticky right now. He closed his eyes so he could focus on reigning in his breath.

Even now, he thought lazily feeling the effects of his heavy training and lack of sleep, this is all I can do. Training to counterattack because I am unable to separate the two energies within me.

He couldn't use any of his knowledge on chakra because the only chakra that had anything to do with separating chakra or using different types of chakra was Senjutsu and Fuinjutsu. He wasn't knowledgeable in either, only knowing fundamental information and vague concepts. Without that knowledge under his belt, the only other thing that would be helpful was to have been a Jinchuriki. He hadn't been that either, so separating the energy within him to use his more powerful techniques was impossible. Using Body Flicker drained his chakra and used every muscle in his body all at once. Since he was a child, his body couldn't handle that strain more than a few times—his first time using it had rendered him immobile and unconscious before the Fire Lord. Any attempts on using any change in chakra nature were futile. Despite his extensive knowledge of changing his form which, in theory, should allow him to be able to separate his Chakra and other energy within himself, since he could barely even use his chakra in the first place he couldn't conjure any flames, wind, or lightning.

He was stuck in a cycle of weakness. Unable to use the techniques that brought him reverence back home. He had to rely on a single tomoe Sharingan significantly weaker than the one he was use to—only able to use it for a short amount of time, and the Body Flicker which he could only use a couple of times. Except for a few other skills such as trap-making, tracking, and general knowledge of the human body, he was powerless. But he wouldn't waddle in it, he had time. He could figure out how to split up the energies within later. Right now, he needed to use those skills as well as his brain and experience in battle to achieve his goal.

Back then, he thought once more as his eyes opened and locked onto the wooden ceiling above, on the roof, I lost. I wasn't prepared, not nearly as much as I thought I would need to be. I mean toys, really? Jeez, of course, that was a distraction, but still.

He grunted as he forced himself to at least sit up. To his surprise, the door to the room slid open, and in stepped one of the maids his father had hired. With a cleaning bucket and a couple of tools in hand, she looked like she had been about to clean, but from the way her face looked upon seeing him, she clearly didn't come for him.

"Young Master Shisui, you're up early." She said and bowed low. "I apologize for my rudeness, I didn't know you were inside."

"That's fine. I didn't tell anyone anyways. You don't have to clean up in here, I'll do it once I'm done taking a bath."

"Um," her eyes flickered between him and the ground several times. "I don't mind doing it for you, sir. You should be resting."

Shisui wasn't used to having people do things for him, but she looked like she wanted to. He didn't like it, but she clearly wasn't trying to offend him and was looking for words to say.

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