Chapter 2

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Book 1: Prodigy
Chapter 2–Fight

"Be careful, Shisui. There's been reports of some wild animals moving into the area. So get to the main village as soon as possible, alright?" Shisui noticed the worried edge in her voice so he nodded thoughtfully.

"Of course, mother. I'll be back before you can say split!" He gave her a reassuring grin and he saw his efforts had paid off as she gave him a warm smile, some of her worry leaving her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you. You're very mature for your age." She gave him a kiss on the forehead and sent him on his way. Watching him walk down the path towards the village she sighed contently before going on her way.

Smiling broadly, the 7-year old shuffled the container on his back. This time it was filled with not only Lychee Nuts but Mango and Lemons. All were in three small separate containers tied to together as one so that he could carry them all. On top of those were a packed lunch since it would take just about a day to reach the main village so he could sell everything he had to the market place.

Walking on the pathway through the densely vegetated forest, Shisui took the time to really get a look around him. The wilderness wasn't that much different from the ones back home except for the fruit and trees.

Walking through the wilderness uneventfully was the fate that Shisui found himself in. He hadn't come across any animals, or really any life at all excluding a couple of birds that soared through the sky overhead. Getting to the village took less than a day with his walking speed but that made him get there during the night.

Hmm, where am I gonna stay for the night? Shisui thought having snuck inside the village, easily getting past the guards surrounding it. It wasn't too hard since security was quite lax.

He walked down an long empty street, looking to see if he could find a place to rest for the night. His parents had given him enough money to get a room for one night. Rummaging through his pocket, he counted 5 copper pieces and 10 silver pieces. Hmm, yea, this should be enough.

"Hey you, boy." Shisui turned to see a very large Fire Nation guard. "What are you doing out here at night? Where are your parents?"

"Um," a nervous chuckle came out and he rubbed the back of his head.

"You know the rules around here, don't you?" To Shisui's dismay, another guard had shown up. The man looked positively pissed and Shisui was sure it wasn't really directed at him. "Everyone in before dark out."

"Oh, uh, gotta go! Sorry!" He yelled before running away from the guards.

One of the guards gave a surprised squawk of surprise before both of them raced after him. "Hey, stop!"

Breathing heavily, as he ran he could feel the fruits and vegetables on his back moving and hoped they wouldn't fall. A small smile graced his face when he saw another guard leaping above a rooftop.

He loved a challenge.

He turned swiftly into a small alleyway and began to slowly untie the knot holding the boxes in place. As he did that the guards had still been chasing him.

Damn that kid is fast! The large guard thought seeing the kid leap up the side of a smaller building before hopping up onto another and running up the roof.

"He's no normal boy! Stop him!" His partner yelled jumping on the roof the boy was just upon with a single leap while he follows after shortly.

Shisui takes in short quick breaths, leaping across building after building. It was starting to take a toll on him because of his younger body and the extra weight added by the equipment he was carrying. He glanced behind to see one of the more slimmer guards gaining ground.

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