Peter Series

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The Avengers are currently attending a live talkshow. Even after the accords have been settled by both parties and everyone were able to come to terms with one another. The public was still wary because of the civil war that had happened between the earth's mightiest heroes.

The Avengers were able to share to the public what really happened and told everyone their side of the story. However, the host's final question startled all of the Avengers, specially Tony.

"Mr. Stark, it came to the attention of the public that you have been spotted frequently with a teenager this past months. There were also photos of this teen going to both the Stark Industries and the Avengers compound. So, the public would like to know who is this boy? The public speculated that he is your son." The host asked eagerly, he too was curious as to who was the mystery boy that was seen spending time with the Tony Stark.

Tony have talked to Peter, May and Pepper about this matter. They all agreed that the truth would eventually come out to the public, so, there was no point in hiding anything. The screen showed multiple photos of Peter with Tony and photos of Peter both going and leaving the tower and the compound. Though none of the photographs showed Peter's face, maybe a slight glimpse, but there were no photos fully showing Peter's face.

The Avengers knew what the host was talking about, sure they knew Peter, he was always there at the compound or at the tower after school. They talk to him and hang out with the teen, even the cold and scariest of the avengers were very fond of the boy. Though, they don't know what was the real relationship between the billionaire and the boy, aside from their claims of being mentor-mentee, they knew there was a deeper relationship between them and they just want the two to finally admit it. After all that they have seen in the previous months, they also think that the boy was Tony's son.

"Ah, yes, of course. That boy is my personal intern. Really smart, by far the most kindest and down to earth person that I have ever met. His name is Peter. Now, I would really appreciate it that no one would stalk, bother or harass my intern in any way, shape or form. The kid just wants to live a normal life." Tony answered the host, everyone in the the studio and maybe also all those who are watching can see the pride and protectiveness in the eyes of the billionaire when he spoke about his intern.

"Intern? We thought he was your son Tony? You're a total dad when it comes to Peter." Clint said after Tony finished his answer, not giving the host a chance to ask further question.

"Seriously? What part of me do you think can be a good parental figure, Barton?" Tony answered in disbelief.

"Where is Peter right now?" Natasha asked the billionaire out of nowhere.

"Well, today is Friday, and it's already past 4, he's at the compound, maybe he's at the lab. You should know this, Romanoff. You all know the kid spends his weekend at the compound." Tony said. Forgetting that they were live and billions of people are probably watching them right now.

"Well, you know his schedule quite well for a boss of a teenage intern." Steve told Tony.

"I am his mentor and you said it yourself, he is a teenage intern. What kind of mentor am I if I don't know what my teenage intern is doing on his working hours?" Tony replied.

"You really think he is at the compound right now?" Sam asked.

"Of course, F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerted me the moment he stepped inside the building." Tony said as if he is offended by how his teammates was questioning him. The Avengers and the audience were not convince of Tony's claims, he has his personal AI reporting to him about the boy's whereabouts.

"Maybe F.R.I.D.A.Y. can show us a footage, just to be sure, of course, if that's alright with you to show Peter's face?" Bucky said.

"Why not? Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y. show us a live footage of Peter. Blur and beep out anything confidential." Tony said to his AI. F.R.I.D.A.Y. dutily followed what was asked of her. She easily hacked into the studios system to show a live footage of Peter inside the billionaire's private lab in the compound. Good thing that the teen was not doing anything Spider-Man related. Peter was currently busy working on a new arm for Bucky. An instrumental song was playing in the background. Suddenly, Peter's eyes were gradually getting bigger, as if realizing something.

"Oh my gosh, Ms. F.R.I.D.A.Y." Peter said in disbelief, fear and shock all mixed together, dropping whatever tools he was holding.

"Yes, Peter? Is there something wrong?" the AI asked, anyone could hear that there was some sort of worry within the AI's response.

"Clementine died, Ms. F.R.I.D.A.Y." Peter told the AI.

"Who is Clementine, Peter? Is she your friend?" The AI continue to ask the boy.

"From the nursery rhyme Ms. F.R.I.D.A.Y. poor Clementine, oh my gosh, I don't know what's bothering me more. The nursery rhyme about a little girl who drown or the millions of parents who sing this song to their kids?" Peter said, everyone can clearly see the worry in the boy's eyes.

Everyone in the audience and the Avengers laughed at the teen's dillema but they too agreed with the teen. What shock the audience was that Peter continued to talk to F.R.I.D.A.Y. like its a normal conversation. The Avengers however never doubted Peter to befriend anyone he meets, may it be an AI or an alien. Peter stopped what he was working and continue to tell F.R.I.D.A.Y. all the children stories that has dark story behind it.

"Oh, this reminds me, my sister seems to edit a lot of Peter's footage whenever I visit her in her lab, I see multiple screens with Peter's security footage in the tower or in the compound." King T'Challa told Tony.

"What? Oh no! No way! Don't tell me Shuri hacked into my Tower!" Tony said, quite mad might I add, he was not surprise. He knows that both Peter and the Princess of Wakanda were geniuses and good friends. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, why didn't you alert me that the Princess of Wakanda hacked you?" Tony asked his AI.

"The Princess of Wakanda wanted to have access to the security cameras after she found out that Peter likes to pretend that he is in a reality TV show and directly looks into the cameras to talk to me. The Princess edits footages of Peter whenever he does something she thinks is funny. She calls it The Peter Series, she even made a little intro for the Series. The Peter Series currently has 3 full episodes." The AI said, seemingly thrilled to share what's the reason why she allowed the Princess to hacked into the tower and compound's security cameras and did not even bother to report to her creator.

The Avengers laughed at what the AI had said, they all love the quirks the teens do whenever they were together. This is just one of the things that they think only the two would do.

"What does Peter think about this? How long is each episode F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Bruce asked the AI.

"Peter, finds it funny, he even set up a chair were he talks about what he did while he was in the tower or in the compound in order to humor the Princess. Peter and Shuri called it 'the chair of everything that is true and meh'. Episode 1: This is Peter is 5 minutes long, Episode 2: The Amazing Peterman is 10 minutes long and Episode 3: no, HE IS not MY DAD; no, HE IS not MY SON is 15 minutes long." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"Let us watch the Series of Peter!" Thor insisted. Every Avenger looked at each other, finally they settled to looked at Tony. Peter was still Tony's "intern" as he say he is. Besides, Tony is the only one who can tell F.R.I.D.A.Y. to play the videos. Tony didn't even need to think twice, he wanted to watch what the kid had done in the videos.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., play Episode 1, remember what I said blur and beep." Tony said.

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