Special Episode: Tell Me About Peter

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Tony Stark
Concern Dad

Tony: He uses Hulk as a giant teddy bear or like a giant bean bag.

Tony: Like really, once I was looking for Peter and Fri said that he's in the activated Hulk room.

Tony: And I panicked, I rushed there with the Hulkbuster and my other suits.

Tony: When I barge in there.

Tony: Peter was there, in Hulk's arms, they were watching a Disney movie.

Clint Barton
Caw Caw

Clint: Peter can sleep anywhere at anytime.

Clint: He's always tired, with school and work.

Clint: But sometimes we find him asleep in the building's staircase, on top of the fridge, the very corner of a room, on top of a meeting table, while standing leaning against the wall or on top of the helipad.

Clint: There was a time when all of us where shouting in the kitchen. Thirty minutes of shouting and we found Peter was there asleep, under the table. Unbothered.

Wanda Maximoff
Makeup/Nail Artist and Hair stylist

Wanda: Great nails, great hair, great face.

Wanda: Great canvas in general.

Pepper Potts
Big Boss Lady

Pepper: It's funny how Peter got the Avengers wrapped around his fingers.

Pepper: It's funny how Tony can't punish Peter for some irresponsible thing he did because the other Avengers tried to cover up for him.

Pepper: Peter admits when he's wrong but the others will take the blame for Peter. Like saying that Peter is a sweetheart and doesn't want them to get in trouble. Their favorite line is "No Peter, you don't have to do this. It was me Tony. Peter has nothing to do with this." Or sometimes they'll point and blame the others.

Pepper: If he tries to stab any of them, on purpose, they will probably praise him and tell him how proud they are.

Steve Rogers
Supportive Fossil

Steve: Peter, he scares me sometimes, maybe because he is a Gen-Z, that what they call it right?

Steve: Every month, he dedicates a whole day that he will just stays in his room and cry.

Steve: We try to be supportive and give him a lot of junkfoods.

Natasha Romanoff
Mama Spider

Natasha: Once Peter hacked Tony's Ironman suit to say 'phew' everytime Tony blast his repulsors.

Natasha: The first time we heard it was when we were on a mission

Natasha: Peter was able to save a third world country because the enemies kept laughing at Tony's 'phew-phew' repulsors.

Sam Wilson
Alley Dance Party Attendee

Sam: I was with Peter that one time, we almost got mugged.

Sam: Peter distracted the robber by dancing.

Sam: Next thing I knew there's a dance party in the alley way.

Loki Odinson
Good/Bad Guy (Depends on the Moment)

Loki: My favorite midgaurdian.

Loki: Could be the heir to my title if he wasn't too nice.

Bucky Barnes
Sergeant Broken White Boy

Bucky: Peter likes me to troll Steve.

Bucky: He makes me give out orders to Steve the moment he realized my rank is higher than Captain Steve Rogers.

Bucky: When Steve is lecturing Peter, the kid gives me this look and I just like go behind Steve and shout "Drop and give me 50, Soldier!"

Bucky: It's good training for Steve really.

Bucky, looking at the ceiling: Did I use the term troll right?

Thor Odinson

Thor: I am thankful for Son of Tony.

Thor: My power have increase because of what he had taught me.

Thor: Tonyson has given me the power of the YEET!

King T'Challa
Really Likes Cats

T'Challa: The moment Peter enter my life.

T'Challa: I don't know if we have two Shuris or two Peters.

T'Challa: But he's a nice kid, responsible and listens to me more unlike my sister.

Bruce Banner
Losses Kid in a Zoo

Bruce: I took Peter to the Zoo once.

Bruce: He went missing.

Bruce: Tony warned me about it, that Peter tends to go missing whenever he goes on a trip.

Bruce: So, he gave Peter this watch with a tracking device and a whole lot of other stuff in it too.

Bruce: Found him chillin with the pandas.

Bruce: I had to call in the Zoo keepers.

Bruce: The panda won't let him go.

Scott Lang
However Big, However Small, Ant-Man Is Part Of It All/ Not his daughter's favorite

Scott: Peter's a nice kid.

Scott: I asked him if he can babysit my daughter.

Scott: I came back from the mission to see Peter, wearing a pink tutu, with make-up and painted nails.

Scott: Now, my daughter loves him more than me.

Stephen Strange

Dr. Strange: It was a mistake to teach Peter magic.

Dr. Strange: He abuses it.

Dr. Strange: He gives out zip-locked m&m's that refills whenever you finish it.

Dr. Strange: Good thing that it's the only thing he mastered.

Trivia Master

Vision: A curious kid.

Vision: Always ask me trivia's on the internet.

Vision: Sometime he ask me things I don't understand.

James Rhodes
Peter's Godfather

Rhodey: By some miracle is still alive.

Rhodey: Kid almost fell off a roof chasing a butterfly once.

Giant Teddy Bear/Bean Bag

Hulk: Baby human speaks!

Hulk: Baby human Hulk's friend

Happy Hogan
Peter's Chauffeur/Boyfriend of Aunt of the Year

Happy: He doesn't shut up.

May Parker
Aunt of the Year

Aunt May: He is my pride and joy.

Aunt May: Don't listen to Happy, he adores Peter.

Michelle Jones
The Queen B*tch Friend

MJ: A loser

Ned Leeds
The Best friend

Ned, dramatically: My dude

Shuri of Wakanda
The Friend Who Doesn't Know The Tea

Shuri: He is a little sh*t.

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