Chapter 29

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Friday morning basically was like every other morning but also completely different in a way. After the events in the last days especially the last two I felt like everything changed. I actually was different in how I behaved since I arrived here. Yelling at people and getting into fights was a different Olivia than the one my friends here know. Which I realized yesterday evening when I had to explain myself to Gracie and Emilia who I tried to hide from since the fight happened on Wednesday.

Like expected neither of my friends understand why I did but I also didn't got into detail. That isn't important for anyone. Considering their confusion Noah just accepting my behavior without a real explanation. Talking about the Devil... Noah.

I would think back about what happened yesterday but doing that would result in a lot of overthinking. What I already did since the 'thing' happened yesterday. And I haven't talked about it with anyone yet since I decided to just act like it never happened.

Oh damn I'm already thinking about it again. Telling yourself to stop thinking about something often results in having to think about it even more. So here I am sitting in biology class only having this idiot on my mind.

Even though I got Justins help in a few of my classes I know I'm going to fail my classes. Not only because of Noah but all my other personal issues are making it pretty hard to concentrate. Many of my teacher already had me stay after class to talk about my tests or how I behave in class. Not because I would actually misbehave I would just stay quiet and answer the teachers questions with 'I don't know'. Which I mean is true I have no clue what I am doing most of the time.

Drawing random stuff on my paper lost in my thoughts I don't notice the person entering the classroom. I haven't actually had the pleasure to be face to face with the amazing Principle of this school for a while actually. Principle Gothan...

"Olivia come with me.", she states before already leaving the room. I don't contradict because I know it will be about my fight with Lucy. I was already surprised no one has come to me yet. I mean I'm at a school with a lot of security and all this and they ignore me beating up a girl? Seemed unlikely.

I pack my stuff in my bag ignoring the curious looks I get. I probably won't come back before the end of class so why not take my stuff with me. Making my way towards the door I try pulling my skirt down. Rolling up the uniform skirt definitely makes it look much better but it isn't exactly allowed. I know I'm already in trouble no need to provocate the principle.

Outside she is already waiting for me showing me with a little hand gesture to follow her. I have no clue what my punishment is going to be but I hope she isn't to creative. This wasn't the first time I was in this situation. Besides having to work in school after hours or doing social work my biggest fear is definitely getting a lawsuit. Already happened in the past and my parents were furious let me tell you.

She leads me towards the head office and I wrap my arms around my body trying to warm myself. It's really windy today and besides the annoying feeling of my hair getting in my eyes or mouth I'm getting pretty cold in the uniform.

As we enter the building the worst thing that could happen happened. The same moment we come in Noah passes us on his way out. Our eyes meet for a moment and I wonder what he thinks. Does he regret the ki- I mean the thing? No talking about it. Before I'm able to decide what his expression is meaning he's past me and I breath in. God why am I shaking?

Mrs. Gothan let's me enter her office first and I directly take a seat this might take longer...

"I bet you know why you're here right?", she states while sitting down.

"Enlighten me."

"Olivia I was very nice the past three weeks but you are only doing more and more stupid things that aren't toleretable. I thought about what I could do to make you realize how serious this is. You aren't here to have fun and do whatever you want.",leaning back in her chair she seems clearly annoyed. I don't have a good feeling here.

"You are actually only the second person that made me do this. Normally students know better...", she gets up to grab a folter in a shelf to our left.

"I already contacted your parents. Let me tell you they are really disappointed in you. The only good thing is that Lucy and her family aren't filling a lawsuit. Even though you broke her nose...", sitting back down a big frown is covering her face. I fucked up bad this time.

I see her opening the folder and reading through it her eyebrows crunching together every now and then. I go trough my still messy hair my hands visibly shaking. I can't tell if it's really fear or if I'm just pretty nervous.

"You skip meal times as well as classes regularly and talk back. You are really agressive towards others and yesterday you run out of Mr. Connors class. That's not even everything. We don't have to talk about the fight with Lucy, do we? First of all will I not tolerate you missing any meals or classes. You already know a few of the security guards so if you don't want to meet them every time I recommend going.", well that wasn't as bad as I would have expected. I mean after all the drama she made. It won't be as chilled as it is at the moment but that isn't so horrible.

"Also you will work in the cafeteria at least three times a week. I haven't decided how long yet but obliviously this isn't optional.", she keeps going and I have to stop myself from groaning. Unnecessary...

The next few seconds or even minutes are quiet and I try to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling in me by fiddling with my bracelets. Can I go now? My eyes meet hers for a second and I have to admit her expression is really creepy.

"The last thing is that I'll have you move houses. I'm not sure if you are influencing your friends more or if they are you. But that isn't important I really don't think this is good for anyone. You will move Sunday and after that I don't want you in your old building. Meaning no visiting your friends rooms and the other way around of course."

I look at her not really understanding what she just said. What do my friends have to do with this? Why would this change anything? My confused look must tell her what I was thinking but her expression shows me that she wasn't joking. She probably doesn't even know what joking is...

"That is final. More informations will be given to you tomorrow. You can already start packing. You are dismissed.", she points at the door but I don't move a millimeter.

I open my mouth to say something but I don't know what. She doesn't like me I always knew that no problem. But she didn't just did that. I found friends here and at least accepted that I will have to stay here for a while. She can't do that. I keep on staring at her until her clearing her throat pulls me out of my trance. Slowly I get up and leave the room shutting the door a little harder than necessary. What just happened?


Dinner this evening was even more depressing than usual. I had a salat standing in front of me but instead of eating it I was just poking around in it. Appetit wasn't existing after this morning. My friends especially Marlon and Gracie were talking and laughing and I felt like I wasn't really there. Like a ghost.

Later than usual Noah and his friends come in and sit down at their usual table. Noah watching me intensive while I can't even look at him. We really kissed yesterday... and after that I just run away. My god was is even wrong with me?

I kept staring at my food trying to ban him out of my mind but it just isn't working. Especially when I see him walking towards our table. Not only me but everyone else seems confused when he asks Gracie to move a little and sits down besides me.

"Aren't you going to yell at me?", he asks after a few seconds his eyes fixed on me while I couldn't look at him.

"You wouldn't leave even if I yelled, would you?", I was feeling shitty but I still tried my best to seem normal. Normal Olivia would have yelled.

"Probs not...", he chuckles and then takes my hand finally gaining my full attention. He opens my hand which was balled in a fist and puts a little peace of paper in it before closing it again.

"Please at least read it before you burn it or whatever.", he gives me a genuine smile before getting up to leave.

"What was that?",Emilia says while I'm still looking after Noah who is leaving the room.

"Oli what's on the paper?", Gracie chips in obviously excited.

"Oh nooo guys I'm not going to show you. Definitely not.", I tell them. I have no clue what he wants to tell me but it definitely doesn't concern anyone besides me.

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