Chapter 25

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There are a lot of reasons for people not to like mondays but even though I normally agree with that today was different. Well we'll just ignore my little talk with Noah.

After I finished all my classes I went towards the head office. After over two weeks here I still haven't had my phone once and today I decide to change that. After a small discussion I leave the building with my phone.

We're just going to ignore the fact that I have to bring it back in two hours because I only got it to tell my friends home they won't be able to contact me and update my family about my stay here. Which I both don't plan on doing. I mean what would I even tell my parents? I'm already struggling in every class and sometimes just don't go if I don't want to. They would be really happy to hear that, wouldn't they?

You might wonder why having my phone for two hours would save a monday but that's not even what will make this monday awesome. It's what I'll be able to do with it. I'll give you a small hint: It won't be as boring as red paint.

As I make my way back to our living complex I start my phone. After some seconds it comes back to life and I type in my pin. As my phone turns on I wait for all the messages to arrive but nothing happens. I check if I have internet and yes I have.

I stop walking and stare at my phone. I didn't expect much but that's just ridiculous. My parents probably knew about the no phone thing but what about my friends? They just forget that I exist or what's happening?

I close my phone and put it my pocket. I should have known that they don't care...

Because it's already late I decide to head straight to dinner still in my school uniform. I really don't feel like eating but I know I'll have to. Since I'm here I've been able to get around eating often. At breakfast I always say I can't eat this early and lunch is really easy to skip. I also skipped eating dinner the last days because I drank so much alcohol on the weekend but I know Marlon and maybe some of the others will get suspicious.

I'm the first of our friend group so I sit at our table alone pulling my phone out again. I only have two hours to implement what I plan.

As someone sits down in front of me I keep on typing on my phone. No time for any interruptions.


I keep on typing but I know that Noah won't go away.


I have to oppress the urge to laugh because he sounds so desperate. Don't show him any emotions Olivia. He started this war...

"I know you can hear me...", he tries again.

"Oh you know something how lovely.", I still don't look up but have to grin.

"I know you're mad but please give me a chance."

"Noah you're so ridiculous. Here I am talk to me or explain what you want to but stop acting like I make it so hard for you.", I finally look up and look at him in disbelief he's acting so strange.

"I-", he starts but gets interrupted by Mike who sits down besides him.

"Hey Noah what are you doing here?", Mike looks at me and than at Noah obviously confused.

"I wanted to go actually..."

"Oh of course you do...", I cross my arms in front of my chest and give him a judging look. First he wants to explain himself but as soon as someone else is there he wants to go. Alright...

"Olivia it's not how you think.", our eyes meet but he's really confusing me I can't tell what he's thinking.

"You're really strange...", I know that both him and Mike are watching me but I look back at my phone and keep on doing what I actually have to do. Noah just showed me that he doesn't deserve my mercy. And maybe only maybe I'm really excited to pay him back...

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