Chapter 12

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I survived the weekend without getting the revenge thing Emilia was or well still is sure will come. Let me quote her 'Noah Ryans isn't like the most bla bla bla... you don't mess with him bla bla bla... I heard he's really pissed of bla bla bla...'. I'm not like the most too and I give a shit if he's pissed or not.

The only thing I know is that I'm pissed. Everyone is talking about me behind my back and that's pissing me of. Not only the Noah thing. I also got comments about me being friends with the boys. Emilia has a girlfriend and than it's okay to be friends with them but I'm a whore for it.

I'm not joking that I got people asking me if I fuck with all of them or just some. How sick can people be? It's not only that they assume I fuck with them but mostly that I'm called a whore for it. Boys can fuck as many girls as they want but I can't. I'm a whore for just being friends with guys.

I got around going with Mike and Marlon for the past two days but they really insist in me having to come. So tonight I won't be able to avoid Noah. I'm still trying to find an excuse but just can't find one.

Right now we are having PE and I feel more unsportive than usually. I sometimes think it only exists to make people feel bad.

Luckily we're finally done and we can get ready. Instead of just getting dressed like all the others I take my time to take a shower. I stink really bad. Like really really bad. At the time I get out of the shower everyone already left.

After getting dressed I get my other stuff and head to the door. In seconds someone grabs me and pulls me back. I try my best to get free but I really have to work on my fighting skills.

"Please stop fighting... It gets way to normal that you punch or kick me.", Noah says in my ear.
This guy... He just can't move on.

"I don't think it's healthy that you keep on trying to talk with me or whatever you want."

"Right about that. You know what people think about me.", he presses me against him and I stop fighting. I can't say I don't like the feeling of our bodys pressed together. Maybe I am the whore people see me as...

"They are sure you have to pay for messing with me...", he chuggles and I feel his chest moving.
"I thought about it... I really really did."
He moves his head to my ear again.

"You know what... I thought about you a lot."

I did too. I really did. But I will never say it. I don't understand what he is planning right now and I hate this feeling.

"I've only been here for like a week..."

He's laughing again. "You're right princess. Are you afraid?"

Confused I try to turn my face at him but we're standing to close. What does he mean with that.
"What do you mean?", my voice sounds much weaker than I would like it to and I'm really lucky he can't see my face because my back is still pressed against his chest.

"You don't know?", he brushes some of my hair out of my face. My face feels like it's burning under his touches. Now I'm happy that he's holding me because I don't know if I would be able to stand on my own.

"Are you afraid I will take revenge on you?"
He really thinks he could scare me. He is even more stupid than I thought.

"You really think you could scare me?", I try to talk as normal as possible. My voice sounding less annoyed than I want it to.
Laughter again.

"That's my girl."

Only seconds later he looses his grip on me and I take some steps away from him. Without anything more he walks out like nothing happened. I look at the door which closes behind him and can't believe what just happened.

He makes me feel so strange. I can't think rationally when he's touching me. Already his words are too much. I can't be this close to him. I don't understand him. I can't believe he's into me. The question is why is he doing all this stuff than.

Another important question is why he is calling me his girl. Not gonna lie it makes me completely freak out. I can't deny that I have some feelings for him if only sexually or more like being in love I can't tell.


I haven't seen Noah since the morning and feel a lot 'better' or not that confused now. I'm sitting on a bench with Grace outside of school and we're enjoying the good weather.

Even though Em already told Gracie everything that she knows about Noah and me I'm not sure if I should tell her about what happened earlie . You're supposed to tell friends things like that right? I just can't do it. Mostly because of the confusing feelings I have.

"Are you meeting the boys later?", Gracie takes a bite of her sandwich.

"Yeah they insisted in me having to come over.", I chuckle. Sadly I don't have something other to do on a Monday evening to get out of this.

"Do you... um think I-I can come too?", she sounds really nervous. Why is she nervous to ask something like that? I watch her playing with a strain of her blonde hair avoiding to meet my eyes.

"I'm sure I'll just ask them k?"

I don't wanna seem rude but I don't know if she's okay with our plans and if the boys would like her to come too.


"Why?", I'm pretty curious why she wants to come.
"I um just want to hang out with M- you.", I see that she doesn't want to talk about it so I will ask her about it later. I'm only curious which M? I give her a knowing look which she answers with blushing.

"Your so cute sometimes."

"Stop it! Didn't you say something about that only yesterday?", she gives me a superior look.

"Yes but if you would have listen to me you wouldn't connect these two situations..."

"Whatever... Oh I asked about the whole dress buying thing and we can go Wednesday but someone will have to come with us. Supposingly you're considered a high risk student.", she changes the topic.

High risk? For real I didn't do shit. If you know who I was before I got here my behavior would be considered perfect. Here I just skipped some classes, dinner and breakfast. I already got a Warning how they call it but we'll see what that will mean for me. 

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