Chapter 5

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'Ring! Ring! Ring!'
I jump up at the unusual sound.

I need a couple of  minutes to realize where I am. I'm in my dorm room at my new school. Sadly I also realize that it's 6:00am and today is my first school day. I groan but get up knowing I need a lot of time to get ready.

Em informed me that I have to attend the breakfast at 7am so I have less than an hour to get ready. Of course this fucking school doesn't even have private bathrooms. I understand that not every school can afford that but this school cost a lot of money.
I grab my showering stuff and place my school uniform on my bed for later.

I'm still not happy having to wear a uniform but not wearing it would probably earn me another meeting with security. And I'm not in the mood for that at the moment.

In the bathroom I luckily see that not a lot of girls are in here so I'm a little more chilled. I can't even explain how uncomfortable showers that only have a shower curtain make me feel. Probably because I don't feel comfortable in my body and I don't want anyone to see me.

I take a short shower and brush my teeth. As I'm on the way back to my room  I walk into someone. Again?! What is that a Wattpad book where the girl stumbles in the arms of her dream boy?

As I look up I see a guy with blonde hair in front of me who's probably my age. He is wearing his school uniform a white dress shirt with black dress pants and a black suit jacket. I change what I said earlier I love the school uniform.

"I am so sorry! I did not look at where I was walking. Are you okay?", he asks me with a conserned look. My social awkward self can't say a word and I only feel myself blushing.

"Are you okay?", he raises his eyebrows but he's still looking nice and slightly conserned.
"I-I'm fine..."

Can someone just end this I'm dying from embarrassment. He doesn't seem to notice or at least he doesn't care.
"Oh it is already so late I have to go. I'm really sorry.", he looks at his watch and than turns to smile at me before leaving.

I didn't even smile back at him. I just stand there and look after him. My luck Em is okay with me being in a room with her. I wouldn't want to be my roomie or even my friend.

Quickly I walk back to our room to get dressed. Em is already dressed and I can't say something else than that she's rocking that uniform. I swear I will look so horrible compared to her. I know it's stupid but I feel really bad when I'm around people that just look to good to be true. I'm just getting so insecure.

The uniform contains dark tights, a black blazer, a white blouse and a knee length skirt. Unsure I look at our big mirror. That skirt makes my legs look really short and thick and I look really small in general.

"Roll your skirt a little up...", Em comes to me and helps me with my skirt. "... see it looks a lot more fitting."

"Thanks...", I give her a warm smile. I'm really happy she is so supportive and helps me out. She even introduced me to her friends and I think I could be friends with them to. Even though they're might be some little jerks.

The skirt is now around mid tight length and with Ems boots and some small hoop earrings I look not that bad. My long blond hair is open. I only make my eyebrows since they're close to invisible and cover my ugly pimples. Why can't I have better skin?! I know they're people with really bad acne but I still feel bad compared to Em.


As we arrived in the breakfast room it is actually really late but I didn't plan on eating something so I didn't mind. Em only eats a sandwich but gives me a strange look. We sit at a table with the boys but Justin isn't there. After I asked about him Gabriel only said he would be working on something. Whatever that means.
Since I met them yesterday I'm watching the boys to well maybe understand them better. Because of what I have seen I would say that Emilias explanation doesn't fit them 100 %. Only Mason seemed to be a quiet twin while Marlon actually talks a lot.

If I'm being honest it seemed like the boys weren't as close as I thought. Justin and Mason seem to be real close as well as Mike, Gabriel and Marlon. The only connections between them seemed to be Em and the fact that Mason and Marlon are twins and therefore probably really close.

I wonder how they got together to be this friend group. I have the feeling Em was one of the main reasons.

I decided not to think about this anymore and at the time breakfast ends I am kinda happy to leave the table. The guys were really nice. Mike would make flirtatious statements in my direction. Gabriel would do really stupid stuff I won't talk about let's only say it involved food and a self made food catapult. Marlon was the best of them. He was constantly making jokes that even made me laugh and always kept the conversation alive. In the end I just wasn't that comfortable.


Together with Emilia I enter the main school building and believe me I've never been this happy to have someone with me. Without her I would've gone lost directly after entering and would never have been seen again.

My first class today is geography and luckily Em is in that class too. The teacher is already there and after I nicely introduce myself as Olivia Sommer. After that Em pulles me to the back of the classroom where we sit down. I put the black backpack I was carrying down beside me and take out a notebook and my pencil. Before you ask yes I only have one. I won't take unnecessary stuff with me. Just to heavy.

Class with Em is just fucking funny. We are none stop laughing and I haven't laughed that much in literally years. How lucky am I to have someone like her as my roommate.

"... just... i-imagine...", Em can't even talk probably because of our laughter.
"Olivia get out!"

I didn't even realize that the teacher was watching us until she was shouting at us with her face full of anger. Why just me? It's not like I was the only one laughing.

"Screaming at someone like that is considered rude...", I tell her while getting up to leave the class room. I see the shocked faces of my classmates and the teachers face is just hilarious.  Close to every teacher I know is just an asshole. Instead of closing the door normal I throw the door shut. Yes I might be a little dramatic.

I sit down on a bench beside the classroom. In my old school I would either have left or just chilled on my phone now. Sadly neither of those were a opinion now. Maybe I should try to sleep or something like than. I feel like the teacher won't let me back in soon.

I lean my head back on the wall and close my eyes. 1 sheep, 2 sheep's , 3 sheep's, 4 sheep's, 5 shee-

"I told you, you would make it yourself a lot harder with bad behavior."

Suprised I open my eyes to face Principle Gothan. She has her dark brown hair pulled into a tight ponytail and is wearing a matching Blazer-Skirt- Set with a reddish pattern. To that she only wears a basic white blouse and black pumps.

I would even say she looks pretty if her face isn't how it is. And no I'm not saying her face is ugly but you could clearly see anger drawn on her face. Not because she is angry right now but because wrinkles around her mouth and eyes are showing that have developed over years as being a principal.
"Why aren't you in class?"

I look up to her. How come this woman is the principle of a really expensive private school.
"I'm just enjoying the beautiful architecture out here.", I close my eyes again.

"Acting like your so cool and you do not care about anything towards others will not help you Olivia."

Without opening my eyes I feel her sitting down besides me. I try my best to keep as much distance between us than possible.

"I know that you are here for a reason and I understand that being sent here probably is a lot to deal with."

Still with closed eyes I try to hide how pissed I am. Of course she understands. She isn't in my situation so she should fucking be quiet. Especially because I'm only on that bench right now for laughing in class.
"I think you should go to our therapy group. You are not the only one that has problems with being here. I am sure that is the right thing in your case."

If she loves her therapy group that much she should go not me. I don't need therapy or something like that.

"I am sure you will love it. Someone will give you the dates when they meet up. You will start next week. I will go now I hope you think about your future actions more.", with that she gets up and I open my eyes to see her leaving. I love this school already.

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