Chapter 4

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" Ty what's wrong?" Amy asked

" Amy, can I actually talk to you in our bedroom?" Ty asked

" Umm sure. Kids please eat your breakfast, put your dishes in the sink when you are done, then go play in your bedroom or something please." Amy told the kids

" Ok mummy." Lyndy said

" Ok Amy." Luke said

Amy followed Ty into their bedroom and Amy shut the door behind them.

" What's wrong Ty?" Amy asked

" Well Wade has been texting Rose. I am going to be calling Lily, but the only problem with that is I don't know what Wade would do to my mom if he found out that I contacted her." Ty said

" I don't know either Ty. But we really need  to deal with this. On way or another." Amy said

" But I did tell Rose that I would call Lily." Ty said

" Ok Ty." Amy said as she went and sat down on their bed

" Amy what's wrong?" Ty asked

" I don't know Ty. Maybe that you put this girl first. As your priority. Someone you had never met before. Not until 5 days ago. You may have just met her but she has already brought so much trouble to this family." Said Amy raising her voice. 

On the outside of the door Rose was standing there listening.

Rose ran back to her room and slammed the door and started to cry.

Rose decided to pack a bag and run away. Since that's how she dealt with everything. 

10 minutes later**

In Amy and Ty's bedroom**

Amy and Ty have been arguing for 10 minutes now.

" I don't know what you want me to do Amy. I can't just wave a magic wand and make everything better in just 3 seconds." Ty said

" You know what Ty, you can't. I am taking Lyndy and Luke and going to the ranch house. I think we need some time apart. You can stay with Rose." Amy said picking up her purse and car keys.

" You know what fine." Ty said

Amy left their bedroom**

" Lyndy Luke, let's go. We are going to stay at G.Gs and Lisa's for a couple of days." Amy told them

" Where's daddy is he coming?" Lyndy asked

" Umm no sweetheart. Not this time. Luke can you put Lyndy in her carseat while I grab her a juice box?" Amy asked

" Yah, I can do that." Luke said

Amy got Lyndy a juice box and Luke put Lyndy in her carseat.

25 minutes later they arrived at the ranch house.

Amy, Luke, and Lyndy all walked inside the ranch house.

Back at the Borden house**

" Hey Rose, I think I am going to call Lily now." Ty said walking to Rose's bedroom

" Rose!?" Ty yelled.

There was no answer.

Ty walked into Roses bedroom to see her window opened. 

Ty ran to her window to see Rose just sitting there below the window.

Ty ran outside and stood in front of Rose.

" Rose what were you thinking?" Ty asked Rose

Rose didn't answer.

" Rose I am talking to you." Ty said

Rose looked up at Ty with tears running down her face.

" Rose what's the matter?" Ty asked sitting down next to her.

" I --I heard you and Amy fighting." Rose said still crying

" Oh, Amy was just heated in the moment. She didn't mean any of that." Ty said

" What do you mean? She literally left with Luke and Lyndy." Rose said

" You know what let's call mother. How does that sound?" Ty asked Rose

" Ok, that sounds good." Rose said

" Ok, lets go back inside." Ty said

Rose and Ty walked back inside the house.

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