Chapter 6

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As Ty rushes to the hospital Amy is as pale as a ghost. Ty is thinking about how much stress he has put on Amy from inviting Rose into their home and she was a total stranger to the fight they had gotten in this morning.

At the hospital**

Ty picks Amy up bridal style and runs into the hospital with her.

" Help my wife fainted and lost color!" Ty yelled

A nurse comes with a wheelchair and takes Amy away to see what happened. Ty tried running after them to go with Amy, to be by her side but the nurses explained that Ty couldn't go back there until they were done with the testing.

Ty sat down in the waiting area and took out his phone and called Lou.

On the phone**

" Hey Lou," Ty said

" Hey how's Amy?" Lou asked

" I don't know, they took her back to run some tests and wouldn't allow me back there." Ty explained

" Well just let us know when you have more information." Lou said

" Ok I will." Ty said then hung up the phone

3 hours later**

The doctor walks out into the waiting room and goes up to Ty.

" Are you Amy Borden's husband?" The doctor asked

" Yes I am, can you tell me what's wrong?" Ty asked

" Well your wife Amy is 6 months pregnant and her body shut down because of stress. From what I could understand from the test results she hasn't been eating so the baby hasn't been getting the nutrients that it needs, so inorder to save your baby we need to do an emergency C-section. I know Mr.Borden this is a lot of information to take in, but it's your decision." The doctor explained to Ty.

" Ok, let's do the emergency C-section." Ty said

4 hours later the C-section went great and the baby was healthy and Amy was concious.

Ty walked into the hallway to call Lou**

" Hey Lou, we have to stay at the hospital for 1 week, we will be home soon. Tell Lyndy I love her and tell Rose that I will call her later." Ty said then hung up the phone.

1week later Amy, Ty, and the Baby are released from the hospital.

While sitting in the truck on the way back to the Ranch House Amy is not feeling well but doesn't say anything. She just thinks that it has to do with just getting an emergency C-section. But also realizes that nobody knows that she just had a baby.

Inside the Ranch House**

" I wonder when Ty and Amy are going to be back and what was wrong with Amy." Lou said

" Wait a minute Ty's truck is pulling up." Lou said

Jack, Lou, and Tim all went outside to see Ty and Amy

Ty gets out of the car

" How come Amy isn't getting out yet?" Lou asked

" Well just give her a second." Ty said

Ty ends up going to Amy side and opens the door for her and grabs their  newborn baby.

" Ty is that what I think it is?" Lou asked

" Yes it is." Ty said as Amy got out and shut the truck door.

" Lou, Grandpa, and Dad, I had a healthy baby boy." Amy said

" You mean to tell me you were pregnant and nobody knew?" Tim asked

" That is correct Dad. You finally have a grandson and Grandpa you finally have a great grandson, after not having any boys in the family you finally have a great grandson. And Lou, you are an Auntie again." Amy said with a smile

" Amy are you ok? You seem extra tired." Lou asked

" Yes Lou, I'm ok. Just exhausted." Amy said

" Amy how come you fainted?" Asked Jack

" Well, the doctor says it was because I was stressed, dehydrated, and wasn't eating enough. To were that put pressure on the baby." Amy said

To be continued...

Hey guys, sorry for the long cliffhanger. I had went on vacation and forgot my laptop. But I am now back!

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!  I hope you enjoyed.

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