Chapter 11

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Rose was hiding behind Ty.

" Come on Rose, it's mom." Ty said

Rose just stood there.

Lily had a small frown on her face.
Lily walked away and went to play with Luke and Lyndy.

" Rose, how come you didn't want to talk to mom?" Ty asked curiously

" Because of her I had a crummy childhood." Rose said

" Rose, she was going through a hard time. Give her a break. Later today me, you, and mom are going to go out and go to the park, get ice cream. Just something for all of us to talk. And I want you on your best behavior. Do you understand?" Said Ty

" I understand." Rose said rolling her eyes

Ty walks over to where Lily, Luke, and Lyndy were playing.

" Hey mom. What was it that you wanted to tell me?" Ty asked

" Umm Ty, is there some place where we can talk? I don't think it is appropriate to talk about it around the kids." Lily said

" Ok, how about we go out on the front porch?" Ty suggested

" Ok, that sounds like a good idea." Lily said

Ty and Lily walk outside onto the front porch**

" So Ty what I wanted to tell you was.." Lily started to say

" What that Rose is my half sister?" Ty said as he cut Lily off

As Ty said that a red car pulled up and a guy got out of the car.

" Well, well, well. Was someone going to tell me that my daughter was here and that my step-son lives here?" Wade said as he chuckled

" Wade what are you doing here?" Lily said

" Mom, let me handle this." Ty said getting in front of Lily

" Ty, I can handle this!" Lily said as she raised her voice

" Come on Ty. Where are you hiding my daughter? I just want to see her." Wade said

" No. There is a reason why Rose ran away from home. And I have a hunch that it was because of you." Ty said

Rose walks outside onto the front porch

" Hey Tyler, Lyndy needs you. She needs help getting something down but doesn't want help from anyone but you." Rose said while looking down at her phone

" Rose, time to come home." Wade said

" Father, what are you doing here? I told you I don't want to see you anymore. Because of you I am scared of my home." Rose said fighting back tears

" Rose please go inside." Ty said

" No! I want to stay out here." Rose said with tears running down her face

" Wade leave! You are not welcomed here!" Ty yelled  

" This isn't the end of it." Wade said as he walked over to his car and left

" Mom, how the hell did Wade know you were here?!" Ty said

Rose ran inside still crying and Ty ran after her.

Before Ty could get to Rose she had already slammed her bedroom door.

" Ty what was that about?" Amy asked

" Wade was here. And Rose got so mad." Ty said

" Ty, where's your mom?"  Amy asked

" She is on the porch." Ty says

" Do you think that was safe?" Amy says

" Now that I think about it, I don't that was smart choice." Says Ty

Ty walks outside and sees Lily just sitting on the front porch.

" Mom are you ok?" Ty asks

" Ty, I.. I don't know how Wade found me, found us." Lily says trying to hold back tears

" I know mom." Ty said while hugging Lily

" What I wanted to tell you is that Rose is your half sister. I had been seeing Wade for about a year before you met him, and when you left I had gotten pregnant with Wade's kid. Ty, I can't raise an out of control kid. I mentally can't." Lily said crying

" Mom, everything is going to be ok. Ty said reassuring Lily

" Hey Mom, I am even going to call Jack to lock the gate. I am not letting Wade do anything to our family anymore. That guy makes me sick to my stomach. I love you so much mom." Ty said with a smile on his face.

To  be continued...

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading this chapter. 

This is probably the longest chapter that I have ever wrote.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. 

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