Chapter 5

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After Ty and Rose go back inside they go to the living room.

Ty pulls his phone out and calls Lily.

On the phone call**

" Mom, it's Ty." 

" Oh my gosh Ty it is so good to hear from you." Lily said

" Hey mom, quick question. Is Wade there?" Ty asked

" Uhmm yes. He is on the couch with a beer. Why? Also I am coming up for a trip I need to explain something to you. I don't know how you will handle it." Lily said

" Umm ok. You can come over in just a couple of days. I will buy you a plane ticket. But don't bring Wade." Ty said

" Umm ok. But why shouldn't I bring Wade? Not that I was going to." Lily asked

" Everytime Wade comes over something bad always happens." Ty said

" Ok, well I love you Ty and will talk to you later. Please just let me know when you have bought my plane ticket." Lily said

" Ok mom, I love you too. And I will let you know. Bye." Said Ty

" Ok, bye." Said Lily

" Tyler, is mother coming?" Rose asked

" Yes she is." Ty said

Back at the Ranch House**

" Hey Amy how come you're here?" Lou asked as she walked through the door

" Hey kids, please go play with Katie in her room." Amy said

The kids ran off leaving Amy and Lou in the kitchen.

" Lou, I am here because me and Ty got into a fight." Amy said

" Oh no. Was it about Rose?" Lou asked

" Yes, Rose just thinks she can prance around like she owns everything. Just because she is Ty's sister." Amy said with tears filling up in her eyes

" Amy, I hate to be this way. But I think you are getting to emotionally over this. I mean who new Ty had a sister. That is crazy." Lou said

" I don't think I am getting to emotionally. But I am going to be staying over here for a little while..." Amy said as her voice started to trail off

Then Amy fainted on the floor.

" AMY!!!!" Lou screamed as Amy hit the floor

Jack and the whole family came running into the kitchen.

" Luke and Katie, take Lyndy out of the kitchen and call Ty." Jack said as him and Lou stayed by Amys side. 

Back at the Borden House**

" Hey Tyler, your phone is ringing. It says the caller is Katie. Do you know who that is?" Rose asked

Ty walked over to Rose took the phone and answered it.

" Hey Katie, whats up?" Ty asked

" Ty, something happened to Amy, I think she fainted." Katie said while freaking out

" Where's Lyndy?" Ty asked in a serious tone

" She is standing right next to me and crying. She saw Amy on the floor." Katie said freaking out still

" Ok, I am on my way over." Ty said

He hung up the phone.

" Alright Rose let's go. Amy passed out and we need to go to the Ranch house." Ty said

" Ok, lets go." Rose said following Ty out the door and into the truck.

12 minutes later they get to the ranch house.

Ty runs inside to see Amy on the floor passed out and as pale as a ghost.

Rose walks up to the house to see Ty carrying Amy to his truck.

" Where is Tyler going?" Rose asked

" He is taking Amy  to the hospital." Lou said

" Who is she?" Jack asked

" That is Ty's half sister." Lou answered

" Oh, I didn't know Ty had a half sister." Jack said

" Yah, none of us did." Lou said

To Be Continued**

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this**

And thank you so much for being patient while I worked on this chapter**

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