Chapter 9

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" Amy, what is it?!" Ty said eagerly

" Well, I will tell you later." Amy said smiling

" Oh come on Amy." Ty said

" I will tell you when we figure out when the baby naming ceremony is." Amy said

1 hour later**

In Amy and Ty's bedroom**

" Hey Ty, when is your mom coming to town?" Amy asked

" Tomorrow why?" Ty asked Amy

" Well, I wanted to get her room ready, I guess the baby can sleep in here and your mom can sleep in the baby's room. Also I was wondering because I wanted your mom here for the baby naming ceremony." Amy said

" Ok, but we have to talk to Jack and Lisa, and make sure it fits in everyone's schedule first. Ok?" Ty said

" Yah, that sounds like a great idea. Ty, I'm gonna run to the store and you can start getting the baby's nursery ready for your mom." Said Amy

" Amy, why do you want my mom here?" Ty asked

" Oh come on Ty, it's your mom. She should be here." Amy said

" Oh ok. So maybe we could do the baby naming ceremony in 2-3 days." Says Ty

" I mean we will have to talk to Grandpa and Lisa but I think they are free. On my way into town I will stop by Grandpa Lisa's house to ask about the date. Also I will drop the kids off with them for you have some time to yourself and you can get the room ready." Amy said

" Amy, call them first to see if it is ok." Ty said

Amy pulls out her phone and calls Jack**

" Hey Grandpa, I was wondering if I could drop off Lyndy, Luke, and Rose for a couple of hours. Ty's mom is coming tomorrow and he has to get her room put together and I have to go to town to get a couple of things. Is it ok with you and Lisa?" Amy asked

" Yeah that would be ok. See you in a couple of minutes." Jack said

The phone call ends and Amy puts her phone up**

" Ty,  Grandpa and Lisa said that's fine. So I am going to take all 4 kids and drop them off." Amy said

" Amy just leave the baby here and let him take a nap. Because if you take him you are going to mess up his schedule." Ty said

" Oh Ty, and your schedules." Amy said while laughing

Amy tells Ty the name of the baby and leaves with Lyndy, Luke, and Rose.

At the Ranch House**


" Hey Grandpa, thanks for keeping an eye on the kids. Me and Ty were talking and we were thinking about doing the baby's naming ceremony in 3 days. Will you and Lisa be free?" Amy asked

" Yeah, will be free." Said Jack

" Ok, perfect. Also Ty's mum is going to be here so Lily will also be here for the naming ceremony." Said Amy

" Ok, but what is your baby's name Amy?" Jack asked

" Me and Ty aren't revealing it until the ceremony." Amy said

" Ok." Jack said chuckling

" Alright bye Grandpa." Amy said smiling

Amy got in her truck and drove to town**

Back at the Borden House**

Ty moves the baby crib into his and Amy's room and all of the baby's toys into the living room. He gets the guestroom bedroom all set up**

3 hours later**

Amy comes home with a bunch of groceries, toys, and a bunch of decor items.

" Hey Ty, the kids are going to stay over at Grandpa and Lisa's tonight." Amy said

" Ok, that's fine. But you are not the one to typical buy this much decor items Amy." Ty said laughing while looking at everything.

" Very funny. I just want your mum to feel comfortable Ty." Amy said smiling.

" Oh don't worry, she will." Ty said smiling

To be continued...

Hi everyone, I hope you liked this chapter. It is a little longer than the others.

If you could please leave a review that would be amazing. ❤️❤️

Thanks -


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