How you guys met

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Your parents are friends and since you've been attending Welton for a year longer, they decided that it was time Todd and you met. Both of you decided to stick together and despite being as shy as him you quickly became friends.


Neil met you at the auditions for the Midsummer Night's Dream play. You were hoping to get the role of Hermia, but you unfortunately got rejected. He saw you crying and took you to a coffeeshop to comfort you. The two of you quickly bonded over your love for acting.


You're one of Chet's siblings and you're one year younger than Knox. You met him when he came for dinner at your place. He kept staring at you with dreamy eyes the entire evening, and even though Chet warned him not to get too close to you he asked you out on a date before leaving.


Charlie has had a crush on you ever since he saw you on the first day of school, but you never actually talked to him until one of the students began harrassing you in the hallway, begging for a kiss. This angered Charlie and he told the guy to back off, somehow managing not to beat the living hell out of him.


You're a nerd just like him, and you sit next to him in chemistry class. The first time you caught him staring at you, he pretended he was looking at the blackboard which made you laugh. After noticing him staring several more times, you took matters into your own hands and asked him out on a date during the study group session.


You noticed him while he was trying to build a radio station with Meeks. Since you're very good in physics and engineering sciences you offered them your help. He couldn't take his eyes off you the whole time.

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