When someone harasses you

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Todd: Todd urges you to go tell Mr. Nolan, which you end up doing. Meanwhile he goes to confront the person about it. At first they just laugh at him because they only see him as a shy, socially awkward boy who wouldn't hurt a fly, but then Todd raises his voice and gets angry, which surprises them and makes them shut up.


Neil directly confronts them about it. He doesn't use violence or anything, but his tone is threatening enough to not make anyone want to mess with you again. Your harrasser tries to act careless and not show that they are intimidated, but they end up walking away mumbling a "whatever" under their breathe.


Knox goes to see the person directly and makes it clear that whoever tries to mess with you next is going to regret it. However the person just laughs at him because they don't take him seriously, so he punches them in the face in the middle of the hallway. Knox ends up with detention but he doesn't care, as long as you're safe.


Charlie goes out of his mind when he sees / hears that someone has been harrassing you. It takes all of your power to convince him not to go beat the living hell out of them, so he goes to confront them and threatens to kill them if they approach you again.


Steven accompanies you to Mr. Nolan's office so that you can explain what happened. He then goes to see whoever harrassed you and confronts them. The person simply laughs and calls him a nerd, but then Steven pulls out a witty comeback/ burn that shuts them up.


Despite being very lean, Gerard actually has a lot of strength. So after class, he pulls your harrasser in a small hallway and hold them up against the wall high enough so that their feet don't even touch the ground anymore. This is clear enough to them, and as soon as he lets go they run away as fast as they can.

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