Daredevil - Charlie Dalton

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"Man, look at this weather," grumbles Cameron as thunder booms outside, covering for a few seconds the sounds of the raindrops crashing onto the ground. "There's no way we can go to the cave tonight."

"What's the matter?" asks Charlie as he rolls his eyes. "Afraid of getting wet?"

"He's right," objects Neil. "If we go tonight we're all gonna get a pneumonia - "

"Good, at least we won't have to suffer through latin classes anymore," groans Pittsie.

"How about we just sneak into someone's dorm?" you suggests. "It'd be easier and at least we'll be dry."

"Sure," mumbles Charlie.

"Yeah, why not. That's a good idea," points out Neil. "Say... eleven o'clock in Charlie and Cameron's room? It's the farthest from the main hallway, so even if we're a little too noisy we can't be heard from the teachers' dorms."

"Sure." After a general nod of consent, the eight of you head to the cafeteria to have dinner.

As you slowly eat your food, you discreetly glance at Charlie from time to time. He is sitting opposite from you, one seat to your left, and he is laughing at a joke that Meeks has just told. You close your eyes for a second, wishing that you were the one who made him laugh that way... Yeah, you have a huge crush on him. Ever since your best friend Neil had introduced you to him four years ago, you'd liked Charlie a lot. You feel butterflies every time he's nearby - which is pretty often given that you hang out with the same people. He is funny, daring, and you love that little anarchist side of his.

Neil is the only one who knows about your massive crush on him, and he often teases you about it. Even though your bestie says the opposite, you're certain Charlie doesn't like you back. The small consolation you find is that since you aren't very close to Charlie - or at least, not as much as with the other guys in your friend group - you technically haven't been friendzoned.

"Hey Y/N!" Someone snaps their fingers in front of your eyes, pulling you out of your daydream.

"What is it, Cameron?" you ask in a slightly annoyed tone, startled.

"I asked you a question! Did you hear what Keating said this morning?"

"Keating says a lot of things, Cameron," you groan, and take a bite of your food.

After dinner you attend the study group session, before heading back to your dorms. All the time you keep glancing at Charlie from the corner of your eyes.

Instead of changing into pajamas like everyone else would have, you wait for the time to join the Dead Poets in Meeks and Pitts' dorm. The needles on the dorm wall's clock seem to move so slowly that you begin to wonder if you might fall asleep.

But then suddenly it is eleven, and you jump up from your bed, your heart beating in excitement. Thunder booms outside, covering the squeaky sound of your door opening, and you join Charlie, Todd, Neil, Knox and Cameron in the hallway as all of you tiptoe your way towards Meeks and Pitts' dorm.

A wave of relief submerges you once the door closes shut behind you. The only light in the room comes from Meeks' desk lamp, and as the storm continues raging outside the eight of you settle down, giggling.

"So, who's got the book?" asks Neil as he lets himself collapse on Meeks' bed, comfortably ajusting his head posture against the pillow.

"Right here," announces Pitts as he pulls it out from his pocket.

"No, no, no, no," interrupts Charlie, and all eyes turn towards him. "Dead Poets Society meetings are in the cave. As far as I'm concerned we are presently not there. Let's do something else."

Dead Poets Society - Imagines and preferencesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن