When he thinks you're cheating (Charlie)

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"Guys, where are you going?" you frowned as you saw the boys running towards the east wing.

"It's Charlie," shouted Pitts. "He's in Nolan's office!"

Without hesitating you sprinted after them. You knew Charlie liked to start trouble - he was your boyfriend after all - but he'd never been taken to the principal's before.

You arrived in front of the giant wooden door - closed, of course. The Doors of Hell, as you'd jokingly call them with Neil and Meeks.

And on the other side of it, you could hear your boyfriend Charlie yelping in pain.

"What is he doing to him?" you panicked, and rushed up to the door, but Todd and Pitts held you back.

"He's getting his ass kicked by Nolan. Y/N, there's nothing we can do, we have to wait until he comes out," said Meeks.

"But he's hurting him!" you cried. "What did he do?"

"He beat up Crickley in the hallway," answered Neil with a dark look on his face.

"Evan?" Your eyes widened. And then you understood why.

Evan Crickley was one of your friends, who had confessed his feelings for you that morning - he took you to a small hallway to talk privately and kissed you without warning. Of course you rejected him - you loved Charlie, and you only saw Evan as a friend. But someone must've seen him kissing you and told your boyfriend about it. Or even worse, he saw it himself.

"Shit," you whispered.

At that same moment a shriek echoed behind the door. You closed your eyes and gnawed on your knuckles, trying to ignore Charlie's screams of pain and chase away the fact that it was your fault, that you should have not followed Evan and that you should have pushed him away as soon as he tried to make a move.

Your boyfriend howled again, and this time it was too much for you to take. Before the others could stop you, you yanked the door open, slammed it shut behind you and put yourself between Mr. Nolan, who was ready to strike again, and Charlie, bent over desk.

"That's enough!" you shouted.

"You shouldn't be here, Y/L/N," barked Nolan. "Get out!"

"You're hurting him!"

"He repeatedly punched another student in the face. He's being punished for it. Now for the last time, get out, Y/L/N!" he hissed between his teeth.

"Leave, Y/N," said Charlie angrily as he stood up and tried to shove you aside, but you resisted. Seeing his face as pale as a ghost and his reddened eyes full of tears made the seed of anger inside you grow even more.

"No! Stop hitting him. It's my fault he beat up Evan. If anyone needs to be getting punished, it should be me."

"All I know is that he harmed another student and that - "

"That what? He should get hit for it?" Tears formed in your eyes. "Stop hurting him. Even if you think he needs to be punished - I think he's had his fair share."

Nolan opened his mouth to reply, but at that moment Dr. Hager entered the office without warning.

"Mr. Nolan, the car is ready and waiting for us downstairs - oh, my apologies," he said as soon as he saw you and Charlie. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

The principal death glared you, then grabbed his coat. "We're done here anyway. Dalton, don't ever let me see you in this office again. I've expelled students before and there won't be an exception made for you. As for you, Y/L/N - you're on thin ice."

And then he exited the room, slamming the door behind him.

Charlie sighed, then pulled out a cigarette and his lighter from his pocket.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he snapped. "A thank you card?"

"I just wanted to say - I'm sorry I made you angry," you started, but he interrupted you.

"Angry? Angry?" His eyes were glowing with fury. "That's it? You really think that when I saw you kissing that sonuvabitch Crickley I only felt angry?"

"Will you let me explain?" you angrily retorted.

"Oh, I don't think there's anything to explain. We're done here." He made an attempt to head towards the door, but you stood in the way.

"No! Not until you've heard what I had to say. Yes, Evan likes me, but I don't like him. He's the one who kissed me, and I swear as soon as he did I pushed him away. I swear, Charlie." A tear rolled down your cheek. "I love you. Only you."

Charlie pinched the bridge of his nose, as if deciding whether he should believe you or not.

"You're doubting me? In the two years that we've been dating, have I ever given you a good reason to doubt my love for you?" you ask pleadingly. "Every time someone came up to say he liked me, or even just to flirt I pushed him away. And you think - you think I'd fall for someone like Crickley."

You took a few steps closer to him and cupped his cheek with your hand, forcing him to look at you. He sighed, then pulled you even closer, grabbing your waist, and gently kissed you.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I overreacted."

"No, you didn't. I would've done the same."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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