Secret - Todd Anderson

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It started out as an innocent kiss, stolen behind a tree. Both of you hesitant at first, your faces red - two people who knew nothing about love and who were experiencing it for the first time.

Then the kisses began happening more often. Away from other people's sight, in the corner of a dark hallway or behind the school building during lunch time. Followed by a squeeze of the hand, a tender glance in each other's eyes.

It went on that way for a month. Every second spent with Todd made you the happiest person in the world, and you were always impatient for class to end so that the two of you could spend a couple of minutes together hidden behind a bush or inside the janitor's closet.

But soon, you found yourself frustrated - frustrated to not be able to be out in the open, to hold hands in public, to exchange a kiss before going inside the classroom, to hold yourselves in each other's arms without worrying about what other people would say.

All of that because of your brother.

Charlie had made it crystal clear to everyone on your first day at Welton that whoever got too close to his sibling would immediately regret it. You were only a year younger than him, but he still acted very protective of you, which would often push you to yours limits. You got along with everyone in his group of friends - Knox, Meeks, Pitts, Neil and Todd. For almost all of them your feelings stopped at the "friends" level and he knew that very well, yet he'd always make a disapproving remark whenever you were left alone with one of the guys.

As much as you appreciated Charlie trying to protect you from the guys who would try to grope you in the hallway or stuff like that, you really hated it when he kept you from spending time with your friends.

And because he acted like this, you knew that there were zero chances of him approving of your relationship with Todd.

Of course, Todd knew all of this, and he had grown a bit terrified of Charlie. He'd often start panicking when the two of you were talking about him, wondering what would happen if your brother found out. But you always managed to calm him down, convincing him that Charlie had no say in your personal life.

Then one day, as the two of you were snogging behind the school building, you pecked at your boyfriend's lips and then whispered, "Todd?"


"I - I think - " You shook your head, trying to force the words out of your mouth.

"What's the matter?" He sat up, looking at you straight in the eye with a worried look scrunching his face. "Is there something wrong?"

"I think that we need to stop hiding. I think that it's about time we let everyone know that we're a couple - "


You jumped, startled by his sudden shout. He bit his lip and looked away, his face flushing red.

"But - Todd! We can't go on like this forever. I can't go on like this forever. It's too hard for me not to be able to hold your hand when we're sitting next to each other, or to just - act normally! To be myself!"

"Charlie will kill me," Todd said in a tremulous voice. "I - I - he's going to be furious and - "

"If he even simply threatens you, you won't be the one getting hurt," you retorted. "I won't let him ruin our relationship, and I certainly won't let him harm you!"

Unfortunately, your brother had an incredibly hard time containing himself when he was angry - and it just got even worse when it came to you. He'd already punched one of your friends, Arthur, who'd simply hugged you in a friendly way. Since then Arthur had distanced himself from you and you barely spoke to each other. Another time, Charlie had slammed a guy against the wall for asking you on a date and would have probably beaten him up, had the bell ringing not forced him to go to chemistry class.

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