Romeo and Juliet - Knox Overstreet

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Another long imagine. (Word count: 2767)

It's been a year since you met Knox and it's been a year since he's had a crush on you. Obviously you don't know - he is too shy to dare tell you, and most importantly he doesn't want to ruin your friendship. He's often daydreaming during Dead Poets Society meetings - you assume that he's thinking about someone else, when really he's thinking about you.

What he does not know, though, is that you like him back.

You haven't told anybody - you believe it's not the type of thing you ought to share with the guys, and plus you know that Charlie is very likely going to spill the beans, so you've simply kept it to yourself.

Unbeknownst to you, the rest of the guys all are rooting for Knox - they've been begging him to confess his feelings to you, they tease him about it, in short, they ship you two very hard. To the point where one day, Neil calls up a meeting - to which you are not invited - at the back of the courtyard in between two classes.

"Gents!" he announces once everyone has arrived and sat down in a circle on the cold tiles. "We appear to have a major problem!"

"Uh, I don't mean to break the mood, but we literally have chemistry in ten minutes," starts Cameron, only to be interrupted by Charlie.

"Shut up, Cameron."

"All I'm sayin'," he continues, rolling his eyes, "is that we're gonna get sacked for being late - "

"No shit, Sherlock!"

"All right, all right," intervenes Neil. "I'll make it quick. As I said, it appears that we have a major problem." He pauses for suspense. "For a year now, our friend Knox Overstreet here has had a crush on Y/N but is too much of a bean brain to do anything about it!"

"Oh c'mon," groans Knox, his cheeks flushing red, and the guys begin whooping and cheering.

"Quiet!" orders Neil, and silence falls upon the group. "So, since Knoxious hasn't done anything so far, I've decided it's about time we collectively kick him in the ass and play Cupids!"

This earns him several nods and laughs of approval.

"Guys, please," starts Knox, but he is cut off by Pitts.

"C'mon Knox, you've had your chance to do something. Now we're gonna take the matter into our own hands!"

"What's the plan, Neil?" asks Meeks.

"We're arranging a date for Knox and Y/N in the library tonight!"

For several seconds, the guys look confused. Knox opens his mouth to protest, but he gets elbow-kicked in the shoulder by Todd.

"Tonight?" frowns Meeks. "As in... during the night?"

"Yes Steven, thank you for showing us your understanding of the word. Tonight at midnight."

"But - how?" asks Knox, who's beginning to look as if he'd rather be somewhere else.

"Easy!" squeals Charlie. "I can pick the lock to the library doors. I've done it a bunch of times on classrom locks when I got sent in detention. They're all the same. This school needs better security!"

"Perfect!" grins Neil. "Knox, that's where you come in. You'll be in there five minutes before midnight, and you'll wait for Y/N."

"But - but - but - " stutters the poor guy, only to get cheers of encouragement from his friends.

"C'mon Knoxious," says Charlie, "all you gotta do is stand there and tell her you love her!"

"Oh no no no," smirks Neil, and everyone turns towards him, frowning. At that same moment, the bell rings.

Dead Poets Society - Imagines and preferencesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara