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Hate was such a big word. Utilized to denote one's indignance towards something, or someone, if you may. Per contra, it wasn't enough.

It wasn't enough to gratify your sense of neediness to express just how much you abhorred this world. Ah, yes. Abhor. But even that seems like an understatement to whatever it was that had encapsulated your heart.

You didn't hanker for any of this. You didn't covet for your wealth as of the moment, you didn't desire to be with this group of males who were so sick in the head that any moment now, if you whisked your head away from them even just the slightest bit, you would once again be faced with that gruesome sight from awhile back, and you didn't pine for a life that greatly contrasted with your former one. 

Sure, it was mundane. And sure, you'd even attest that you were insidiously losing the will to live in each passing day... But the state of your life there was head and shoulders above compared to this juncture. To the 'now' that you were greeted with no matter how much you wanted to awaken with the site of your rundown apartment.

Kozan saw the way how your eyes twitched, so with that, he prepared himself for your forthcoming bestirring. He'd managed to drive Enki out of this room, so at present times, it was just you and him. Alone. Together.

It's been an hour now yet he was yet to stand up and follow after that ginger-haired boy's footsteps. 

Did he even envisage himself enacting that?

The reply was a definite 'no'.

He'd already tried countless of times to render you alone with him. Yet no matter what tactic he'd procured, none of it was able to promptly entice you enough to the point that you'd acquiesce your way en route to him. It was frustrating, yet it made things all the more entertaining for him. The more you'd attempted to slip away from him, the more envigorated he became. A play of cat and mouse, that's what he'd call this.

A game wherein he was the predator, waiting for the perfect time to pounce on you, and you were the prey, too weak and immobile to go against him.

He smiled to himself. The odds were really in his favor now, huh?

"Ah, shit," you cursed as you tried to sit up, now roused from your small bout of unconsciousness, but the pounding inside your head turned out to be worse than what it was initially due to your abrupt movement causing you to halt your ministrations and just decided to lay down on the mattress. 

"Ain't that idiotic of you."

Kozan's voice was the instigator for you to finally and completely support yourself on your rear. "Why are you still here?" You croaked out, voice a little husky due to your lack of intake of water.

"I take it that you want nothing more than for me to leave right this instant?" You narrowed your eyes at him once he'd responded. And as he offered a glass of what seemed to be the liquid that your throat was in dire need of right now, you remained reluctant to accept it from him. Anything coming from him was bound to contain something in it, and you weren't certain whether you'd want to risk your safety for it or not.

"Need not brood. I didn't put anything in it," and to justify his statement, he drank it himself. Even if the bobbing of his adam's apple wasn't legitimate, the rational part of your brain was dominated over your instincts to survive, and thus, without a word, you took it from him, not before nodding your head in slight gratitude.

It was quiet for a moment, before the scoundrel had chosen to run off his mouth. "Ah, we indirectly kissed."

For that, you spluttered. The liquid entered the wrong pipe, so you were here, looking like a dunce as you hacked for the remainder of the day. The laughter that'd erupted from his lips induced a glare from you.

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