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Love truly did make people do asinine things.

But then again, it wouldn't all be for naught once he had you all for his, right?

For his to take care of...

For his to love...

For his to own.

The reward unequivocally outweighed all the risks that he had to take. How very much flawed this mindset was, Takuma merely didn't care. Years had taken him before he'd finally found something, or someone, rather, to live for and he'd be damned if he were to let you go in spite of the empathic part of his mind hollering- bellowing at him to cause a halt to whatever the hell he was doing.

But he was far too gone to stop now, wasn't he?

Standing in the middle of the room where he'd arranged the meeting, he was simply just waiting for the person to arrive. It amused him, you see. For such a big establishment, he shouldn't even be surprised that the Royal Brix had an untouched underground room like this for people to go in and out of as they wished. And apparently, over the past decade, none had done the job. This room was abandoned for that long, and the dusty interior accompanied by the musky scent said it all.

Contradictory to the state of this room, he found this place perfect. Just the right location for them to discuss the deets of the plan that he'd formed as soon as the chief had told him that the mission was off. Naturally, he should be wary enough for his boss might suspect him of being the one behind this, especially not long after him telling the albino the morbid news. But ah, the old man was too laid-back around him. Yet why wouldn't he?

Takuma was the best of the best inside his company, after all.

However, the red-hued boy knew that being too complacent could end things quicker before they even started; henceforth, he adjusted a bit of his plans before relaying it to his accomplice. Just one daft error could cost him everything.

A cough alerted him of the newcomer's presence.

"Ah, you're here," his voice reverberated throughout the whole room.

"Indeed I am," the person replied with their gruff voice. Even if they wished to go elsewhere, they just couldn't.

Not when Takuma had concrete evidence about this person's sprees.

"Let's not waste any more time, no? Let us get down to business," Takuma had a smile on his face yet his eyes were a whole different matter.

The night passed by with the cicadas singing their songs with the man whose tufts were of the lightest shade of ivory intonating the macabre dispositions he had in mind.



All those was he. Who could blame him, though? He was just doing all of this for love.


You were too impetuous for your own damn good.

But seeing as you'd survived up 'til now when you were supposed to be nothing but a mere cadaver, you surmised that's what had kept you going despite it being a seemingly bad trait for a person to yield.

And albeit you'd churned out a plan to initially utilize Takuma, none other than your ersatz lover, as a scapegoat, you figured that involving someone else in your cacophony of dilemmas was a move that only the heartless would make. You came down in favor of doing such act in the first place since he 'did' do the same thing to you, but after a moment of pensiveness, you concluded that his reason for doing so was much more righteous than yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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