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"Where the hell are you? It is already past eleven

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"Where the hell are you? It is already past eleven. If you were going to be late why didn't you tell me. I had to fucking ruin my sleep!" I yelled at Rudra because he didn't came to pick me up at time as he promised, and I just slept at 4 in the morning because why? I was texting him.

"Aalo mi thamb zara, shirt ghalat aahe mi(I'm wearing my shirt just give me few minutes I'll be there) " he said in a hurry & cut the call. It's just day two of our dating and we are already fighting. What the-

Leave I don't want to think about this.

I sat down on my sofa as I read newspaper, and in half an hour the door bell rang.

Rudra must be here.

I smiled to myself, but immediately dismissed it as I reminded I was angry with him. I opened the door and I found Rudra standing in a red flannel shirt, he had a grey hood on his head, the hood was attached with his shirt and underneath the shirt he had a plain white t-shirt. He paired it with light blue jeans. He was looking so fucking hot (like always) that I didn't realize I was ogling at him.

He cleared his throat, "Done checking me out?" he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go" I said disinterestingly, to show case my anger to him. I started walking towards the car where it was parked, before I could pull the door. Rudra did that for me. I gave him a needle piercing stare and he smiled at me.

"You think you can impress me with this?" I yelled-whispered at him whilst I took a seat adjacent to his. He still had his stupid smile crept on his lips.

He lowered himself from where he was standing and reached for my seatbelt and locked it with the hook kinda thing, then I felt his lips on my cheeks. I bit my insides of cheeks to stop myself from smiling but I ended up smiling at his antics.

"Rudraaa, I hate youuuuu" I yelled at him and he chuckled as he locked his seatbelt.

"I love you too, babe"

We reached his house in another half an hour. The whole ride was a silent one, but it was a comfortable silence. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I took a step out of his car and Rudra did the same.

He sensed my nervousness and took my hand and kissed the back of it.

"It's going to be alright, aai and baba like you" he assured and that helped me to calm down my nerves a little. I nodded and we headed towards his main door.

His mom opened the door and embraced me into a warm hug.

"Hello Preshtha" she gave me a enthusiastic smile and I did the same

"Hi aunty" I replied in the same enthusiasm.

"Did Rudra troubled you while you guys were coming here" she asked me with concern displaying on her face.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. His calm expression turned into a scared one, I so wanted to capture this moment but here I was trying to control myself from bursting into laugh.

And luckily I did controlled it.

"Umm yes aunty, but I have to bare that right" I said faking a sad face.

"He is dating after a year, he must have forgot his ethics. Don't worry though I and his dad will give the dating lessons to him" she said as she stared at Rudra with slight anger, whereas I was enjoying this moment very much.

When his mom was no more into the scene. He came closer to me and whispered in my ears, "you are going to pay for this"

"Huh its tit for tat Rudra. You were late" I said. He rolled his eyes at me and shrugged simultaneously.

I was in his living room where his mom was sitting on the couch watching something whereas Rudra was in his room because he didn't take a bath.

And now I was hell awkward. What am I supposed to do?

Without thinking, I just sat beside his mom just so if there is probability of us talking. She gave me a genuine smile when I appeared.

"Where is Rudra's dad?" I asked out of the blue

"Ohh your uncle is coming today, he is busy with his business trips always" she said.

"People in business are always busy" I laughed nervously, because fuck this is getting awkward.

Rudra where are you?

"Hoo naaa( yes). Even Rudra will get busy after graduation and I'll be left alone" I could sense her sadness.

"Well, umm if that's the case maybe you can join me and my friends. We can go to trips then" I laughed to lighten the mood. She shook her head coyly and burst out laughing

"--No, what will I do with you young girls" she waved off, "by the way Preshtha you know, rudra has been the happiest in the past 4 years. He always used to be in his own world but now I can see some changes in him, it's only because of you that he is functioning like a normal human being. Otherwise when he was dating Kiara, he used to be a angry guy all the time but now he is calm and gentle with everyone around him" she gasped for air because she was continuously speaking.

I on the other hand was feeling content listening to her how Rudra has changed and the change was possible because of my impact made me feel good for me and him.

"Kiara and Rudra did loved each other but I always felt like Kiara was not into Rudra as much as Rudra was into her. No matter what she has done to him, my son always forgave her and she took him for granted however, their breakup was inevitable to happen" aunty said as she took some fruits from the basket and offered me but I denied it. What we were talking about made my heart heavy.

Rudra had to go through all this because of that bitch. Yes you heard it right, I said bitch.

To clear the atmosphere, his mom cleared her throat to divert my attention to which she was successful. I raised my eyebrow as a indication of 'what happened'

"Go and call Rudra. The lunch must be ready"

I nodded at her, and gave her a small smile, "ok lemme call him"

I head towards his room and before entering his room I could already hear loud EDM music. When I entered his room, what I saw made my eyes go wide.

He was in his boxers only.

A/N: umm.. cliffhangers :)))))
Well I wont be uploading chapters till 27 june coz I got my entrance. If it gets postpone then I'll start giving updates. Pray for the postponement pleaseeee!!!

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