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"Done with your packing?" Dad asked me

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"Done with your packing?" Dad asked me. I nodded still checking out if I have left out anything.

I have my flight today at 8 in the night and it still feels like it isn't true, that I've to go to London, live my life alone leaving my parents, friends & Rudra.

"Yes, almost everything is packed" I smiled looking at him, first it was just his dream to send me abroad but now that I think, I'm excited for this new journey.

So many things to come in my way. So many things to experience, yet so many things to leave but I know it's just for a short amount of time. Just 2 years. That's it.

I let out a sigh and shook away my thoughts and bring myself back to the present moment.

Mom was making my favourite dishes for lunch, because of course she will miss pampering her daughter afterwards.

I was just staring at her, as she was making those dishes and a small smile played on my lips. I'll be missing this woman so much, her taunts and what not.

I still remember how once I came from college and my whole dress was wet because it was raining.

Shyam uncle didn't came that day because his wife was having an operation, so he was on leave for a week or so.

Mom was so worried when she saw me drenched up in my wet clothes, she hurriedly bought my towel and covered me in it.

She immediately sent me to my room to get me changed into dry clothes so I don't catch cold.

She has always been my fan and a worst critic too, and it scares me that I won't be able to see her that usually.

"Arey, Preshtha tu aali? (Oh Preshtha, you came?" She smiled and she took out the hot gulabjamuns from the vessel.

"Mala sang, gulabjamuns kase aahet? (Tell me how are the gulabjamuns)" she placed two gulabjamun in a bowl and forwarded them in front of me.

I nodded instantly, and took a bite. The sweetness spread in my mouth. The burst of the sudden sweetness made my eyes water, the sweetness reminded her love for me and how she wants the best for thsi stupid daughter of hers. I just placed the bowl on the counter and started stepping out, so that I cry out in silence.

"Aga, kay zhala changla nahi aahe ka? (What happened? Are the gulabjamuns not good?)" Aai looked concerned, thinking whether her gulabjamuns weren't good.

"It's amazing, actually I need to pack few things so I'm heading to my room" I tried not to break in front of my mother, of course I didn't want to see her being worried about me so I just lied to her which was somehow successful.

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