Intransigent | 19

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Chapter 19

Ashton's POV

My heart felt like it was being ripped from my chest as I watched Emma fall to the ground, sobs pouring from her small body. I caught her before she hit the floor and pulled her into my arms. As I whispered that she was safe, loved and protected, she curled into my chest and gripped my shirt in both of her hands, burying her face in my chest and sobbing heartbroken sobs.

I walked over to her bed and sat down, leaning back against the headboard and keeping her tightly wrapped in my arms, trying to give her every ounce of comfort and support that I could. She had been so strong since I'd found her. I was surprised that she had finally broken down, but it made me want to get my hands on Max and rip him limb from limb as slowly and tortuously as possible for what he'd done to her.

Instead, I kissed the top of her head and whispered, "Just let it all out."

It took a while, but eventually her sobs stopped, she slumped tiredly against my chest and only a few tremors wracked her body every now and then. I rubbed her back soothingly and rested my cheek on the top of her head. The party was due to start in a half hour, but they would understand why we were late. Emma was my main priority and I wanted to make sure she was okay before I let her up to get dressed and ready for the party.

"Thank you," she whispered in my chest as her hands loosened on my shirt and she completely relaxed against me.

I didn't bother repeating that she didn't have to thank me for being here for her. She already knew that, so I just hugged her tighter and kissed her forehead, her cheeks and finally her lips when she looked up at me. It wasn't a heated or romantic kiss, it was simple and sweet, meant for comfort and reassurance, and my heart swelled when I pulled away to see a small smile on her face.

Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were flushed, but she was smiling and it was because of me. Neither Axel nor I could have been more proud.

She eventually fully sat up and looked at the clock on her bedside table. With a groan, she leaped off the bed, moving quickly for the closet. "The party starts in half an hour!" she called as she disappeared. "Why did I waste so much time?"

"You didn't waste any time, Emma," I told her. "You needed to get that out and I'm glad you did. No one is going to blame you if you're a little late to your own party."

She didn't reply but I could hear her shuffling clothes around quickly, trying to get ready as fast as possible. She walked quickly out of the closet, dressed in beautiful, dark blue, lace dress that went down to mid-thigh with a thin brown belt around the waist. Her hair was a little out of control, but she immediately disappeared into the bathroom and I'm assuming that she was going to fix it.

With remarkable speed, she was back in the room, her beautiful auburn hair in a slightly messy bun that looked great on her. "Ready?" she asked of me.

I nodded, unfolding myself from the bed and pulling her into my arms, staring down into her beautiful ocean blue eyes. "You're safe now, Emma," I assured her quietly. "I'm so glad that you found your way to me and I'm going to make sure that nothing ever hurts you again."

Her eyes shined with unshed tears as she looked up at me and whispered a hoarse, "Thank you. I'm glad I found my way to you too, Ashton."

I tugged her into a hug and then I led her downstairs so that we could get to the party. I could almost see her shake off her melancholy when she saw everyone outside. When they saw her as well, a loud cheer went up and we were suddenly surrounded by people as they all fought to be the next to hug Emma.

Every trace of sadness from before was gone, replaced by a wide grin, twinkling eyes and a crazy amount of hugs and chatter that I couldn't follow as everyone tried to talk to her at once. I was amazed as she managed to listen and respond to everyone and she was soon swept away from me as everyone vied for her attention.

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