Intransigent | 31

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Chapter 31


After spending ten minutes with Rodney, Adrianna and Alyssa, making sure they were all comfortable playing together in the living room, I nodded to Alyssa and Ashton, Dane and I made our way back upstairs to the study. Alyssa knew to mind-link Ashton if there were any problems downstairs.

We sat down around the desk and spread out a map, showing Alpha Max's territory. "So, we've got three other packs actively working with us," I summarized as I studied the map in front of me, my memories allowing me to picture everything clearly, using the plain lines and symbols from the map. I could picture the land we were looking at with no problem. "We've also got two more packs that we can call for back-up, but I'm not anticipating needing their help."

Ashton nodded. "I don't think we're going to need their help either."

"We have them surrounded," I told them as I realized the fact that each of our packs were on different sides of Max's territory. "We can come at them from the North, my father can come from the west, Alpha Jackson from the East and Rick's pack can take them from the South."

I sketched the idea on the map with a pencil as Dane and Ashton watched in surprise. It was kind of ridiculous that none of us had realized this until now. We were all planning to meet up and attack on just one of two fronts. A four front attack would have them scrambling to defend themselves.

"There's no way they'll be organized enough to defend from four fronts," Dane said as he studied the basic plan outline on the map.

"We need to let each alpha lead and plan their own attacks. We can all coordinate together, but they know their fighters the best. They can focus on the details, we just need to tell them where to be and when," Ashton said.

I nodded in agreement. "Why don't we call them all up for a conference call?" I suggested. "We can tell them the plan and go over the timing together and then they can get their forces together."

It took us ten minutes to get past the office secretaries and for the alphas to be available, but we eventually had all three of our allies on the same phone line. We'd bypassed one secretary by just contacting Rick and having him take the phone to his alpha, Alpha Darren.

"Okay, so we've come up with an attack plan," Ashton stated.

"We're all on different sides of Max's territory. I say we each attack from the border we're closest to," I informed everyone. There were muffled exclamations and shuffling papers as all the alphas pulled out maps and exclaimed about the fact that none of them had noticed that fact before.

"That's smart, Emma," Jackson admired. "Few packs can defend from an attack on four fronts and Max definitely can't. There's too much divide in his pack for that."

"Agreed," my dad and Darren replied.

"When do we attack?"

"Three days," I replied. That hadn't been previously discussed, but I knew no one would have any complaints. "I'm ready to be done with this and Max's children don't need this drawn out any further. They're terrified they will have to go back."

"Max's children?" Jackson asked.

"I have his youngest son and newborn daughter," I replied. "His son is the one who helped Rick and I escape. I told him if he was ever ready to run from his father that he could come to me."

There was some argument among the leaders and they discussed whether Rodney could be spying on us for his father. I quickly ended that by telling them what kind of father Max was and that Rodney was terrified of him.

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