Intransigent | 11

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Chapter 11

Emma's POV

Ashton's conversation with my dad was a short one. My dad was eager to come and see me and he just wanted to get the formalities out of the way. Ashton didn't hesitate in the slightest giving my pack permission to cross his pack lines, but told my dad that there was a lot we would have to talk about when he arrived.

Ashton gave me a small smile when he hung up the phone and I returned it. I felt so much better after talking to my dad and letting him know that I was okay. "Rick, did you want to call your pack?" I asked him. "You're probably dying to get back to them."

I would be sad to see him leave, but he was my best friend, we'd find times to hang out together. I wasn't worried about him forgetting me, we were too close for that.

Rick nodded, smiling back at me. "I'll call them and let them know that I'm alright, but I'm going to stick with you until this is all taken care of." He stood from the couch and came over to the desk, placing a hand on the shoulder that Ashton hadn't already claimed. "Besides, I want to meet all the wonderful people you've told me about."

Ashton gripped my hand and pulled me gently from the chair behind his desk. "While you contact your pack, I want to talk to Emma," Ashton told Rick.

I watched as Rick froze in the middle of dialing the number for his pack. "Can you wait a moment?" he asked Ashton.

Ashton shook his head. "No, there are things that we need to discuss and I need to get her settled into a room as well," Ashton told him. I was thankful for the room part. I was getting tired already and it was barely noon.

I was shocked when Rick placed the phone back in the cradle. "Then my pack can wait." He waved his hand, gesturing for Ashton to lead the way from the room.

I felt Ashton tense beside me. "I would like to talk to her alone," he responded, a dangerous undercurrent in his voice.

A hard mask fell over Rick's face. "I'm not leaving you with her alone," he stated.

I knew it was time for me to step in when I felt Ashton step forward. "Rick, call your pack," I told him, telling him with my eyes not to start anything. I didn't want my mate and closest friend fighting. "I'll be fine, I promise."

He glowered at Ashton over my head. "If you try to mark her again, I will kill you myself or die trying," he warned in a growl.

I heard Ashton growl behind me and I tightened my grip on his hand in warning. "I'm not going to force myself on her," he answered angrily, squeezing my hand lightly back, reassuring me that he wasn't going to lose his temper and let his wolf take control, even if his voice sounded like he was.

"You've already tried once," Rick replied, just as angry as Ashton.

I heard Ashton sigh behind me and I wanted to comfort him. "It won't happen again," he assured Rick and me both. "I lost control of my wolf for a moment in the excitement of finding her."

Rick gave Ashton a hard look but slowly picked up the phone again. Knowing that the argument was over, Ashton gave me a comforting smile and led me out of his office and up one more flight of stairs.

Stopping at the second door on his right, he said, "This is my room. Do you mind if we talk in here?"

I shook my head. I believed him when he told me that he wouldn't try to mark me again without my permission. I wasn't worried about being alone with him anymore.

He gave me a gentle smile and opened the door, gesturing for me to enter first. His room was surprisingly neat. I remember that Will's room was always a pig sty, clothes and trash all over the place, but Ashton's room was neat and organized with a centralized wood theme. He had a king size bed with a log frame and another desk made of oak. There were two doors inside the room, probably leading to a closet and a bathroom. It was masculine, yet comfortable at the same time. It also smelled strongly of him, making Mel purr in contentment inside my head.

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