Intransigent | 7

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Chapter 7

David's POV

I sighed, glaring down at the paperwork in front of me. It contained the details on the latest search for my Emma. We had failed to find her once again.

A lone tear rolled down my face and I made no move to wipe it away. My little girl had been missing for just over two years. Hope of finding her alive was wearing thin. I had grabbed onto the last thread with both hands and refused to let go. I had to be strong for my pack, but here, in the quiet sanctity of my office, I could cry for the bright, beautiful and caring daughter I had lost.

The pack hadn't been the same since we'd returned empty handed from the forest two years ago. The easy going cheer that had once permeated this pack was gone. They shared a single minded purpose: find their future Luna and bring her home. Every time that a search party came back with no leads or Emma trailing behind them, the pack only became more determined to find her.

I jumped slightly as the phone rang beside me. Quickly wiping away my tears, I took a moment to pull myself together. I reached out and picked up the phone.

"Alpha David," I greeted tersely.

"David, it's James," the voice on the other end replied. He'd been a great help in trying to find Emma for the first year. He'd offered men and contacted all the packs he knew, trying to help us get information. Unfortunately, he'd since given up on any hope of finding her, dead or alive. We refused to do the same.

"James, how are you?" I asked distractedly, paging through the paperwork and trying to find something, anything, that we could use.

"I'm having a little bit of trouble," he answered, sounding stressed out.

"Yeah?" I asked, still paging through the packet in front of me. "Anything I can help with?"

"Actually, I'm hoping so," James answered, sounding hopeful. "I'm having trouble with rogues and was really hoping you could spare a few men to help train my younger pack members."

I sighed, pushing the paperwork away from me for a moment. "Give me a second, James."

"Of course," James replied quickly.

Ben, do we have a few men to spare? I asked my beta through the mindlink.

No, David. The men are all asking to put together another search party, Ben replied.

I understood. Emma's birthday was three days ago and everyone was shaken up from the reminder that Emma was gone.

I turned my attention back to the phone. "I'm sorry, James, but the men are all getting another search party around. I'd love to help, but my men have made their choice."

I heard a sigh from the other end of the phone. I felt bad that we couldn't help, but I wasn't going to tell any of my pack members that they had to stop searching for Emma so they could go train another pack. If it hadn't been so close to the anniversary of her disappearance, there probably would have been a couple that would volunteer, but around the anniversary, the entire pack is completely focused on finding our Emma.

"I'll call Ashton," James replied. Ashton was the alpha of a newer pack that we'd made an alliance with. He was a good kid and ran his pack well. He would probably be able to help James without much of a problem.

"Do that," I replied, pulling the paperwork back in front of me. "I'm sorry I couldn't help."

"I understand, David. Emma was a wonderful girl."

"Is," I responded immediately. "Emma is a wonderful girl. We are going to find her and bring her home." I had to maintain that hope. It was all I had.

"David," James started gently. "Even if by some miracle Emma is still alive, she's not going to be the same person if you find her."

Instead of giving him a response, I hung up the phone. I couldn't admit that I knew that, that it was the only thing I feared more than not finding her. I didn't want to think about what my baby was going through right now.

My head fell into my hands as I thought about it. It was so hard to believe that we would find her. She had been gone for so long, probably in horrible conditions. But there was one thing I did know. My baby girl was strong. She would do everything she could to come back to us and we would do everything we could to bring her back.

I lifted my head when I heard the door to my office open. Abigail's tear stained face greeted me.

"Oh, Abby," I murmured lovingly, opening my arms. She ran across my office and collapsed in my arms. "Sweetheart," I cajoled. "It's all going to be okay." She had most likely found out that the most recent group had been unsuccessful.

My heart wrenched at the pain I could feel from her through the bond and the sobs that filled my office. Her body shook against mine and I held her tightly against me, placing light kisses on top of her head and rubbing her back soothingly.

I hated seeing my mate like this. I understood her pain more than anyone, but I hadn't seen her go one day without crying in the past two years. I only wished that I could take away her sorrow and shoulder it for both of us. It would break me, into tiny little pieces, but I would do it to take the pain out of her eyes.

"We're not going to find her are we?" She cried after a few minutes.

"Honey, no!" I exclaimed. "Of course we are going to find her! No one is giving up. We will see our baby again," I promised her fervently.

I felt and heard her sniffle all the way to my soul. I wanted to cry with her, but she needed me to stay strong for her. Emma and I used to have an agreement that only one of us was allowed to break down at a time because my mother was emotional enough for all of us. Without Emma here, I was always the one that had to be strong. I held back tears at the memories, not allowing them to break through the dam.

Stay strong, I coached myself. Abby needs you.

"Do you promise?" she asked me, sounding miserable.

I knew that I couldn't promise that we would find her. Even though I was fervent in my beliefs while addressing the pack or even Abby, I was losing hope too. "I promise," I replied anyway, making sure my voice didn't betray my true emotions.

A single tear rolled down my cheek and I let it once more, because I knew that what I had just promised to my mate, I couldn't guarantee.

~~~*~~~Author's Note~~~*~~~

Okay, I know that this is really short compared to my normal chapters, but don't worry, I won't make you wait a whole week for the next one! I can't just give you guys nothing for christmas! I'll be posting another chapter on christmas for you guys, maybe even an extra chapter of Claribelle if I'm feeling crazy! ;)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I didn't actually plan on this chapter, I actually was editing some and added this one in. Hopefully it will hold you over until christmas ;)


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