Intransigent | 20

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Chapter 20

Emma's POV

The party was amazing. Catching up with all of the members of the pack and talking with some of the alphas of nearby packs was relaxing and went a long way in proving that I was safe now. I had escaped Max, found my mate, and made my way back home.

Ashton stayed glued to my side most of the night and was always touching me in some way, whether he had an arm around my waist or a firm grip on my hand. I loved it and I really enjoyed introducing him to everyone.

Rick mingled easily, although I knew he was keeping an eye on me because he was never far away when I looked for him. I introduced him to people slowly, letting him talk to the people I introduced him to and calling him over if I found someone else I wanted him to meet.

Questions were asked about where I was the past two years and I gave them basic answers, letting them know that they would be told the whole story when I was ready to talk about it. I told them that it was hard and we would be taking care of the person that took me. They were content with that for now.

The party did eventually wrap up and everyone wanted to say goodbye before they left. I assured them I would be hanging around for a while and they were all welcome to stop in the pack house if they wanted to see me. The visiting alphas bid farewell one at a time, all welcoming me back and the ones Ashton didn't have treaties with encouraging me to give them a call when we made it back to his pack.

"We're going to have some pretty strong allies with you making deals," Ashton teased as we made our way back inside, long after the sun had set.

I laughed, leaning into his side as we made our way to the living room. "I am pretty good at it, I'll admit," I replied.

He kissed the top of my head and pulled me into his lap as he sat down in one of the chairs. The couch was open, but I wasn't going to complain. The mate bond was strong and I was much happier in his lap than sitting next to him. My parents, Aly, Will, Rick and Dane soon joined us, filling the couch and a few chairs.

"It was a good party," Aly commented from her seat on the couch between Will and Rick.

Everyone nodded in agreement. "That it was," I responded.

"How long are you staying?" Will asked, looking at me and Ashton.

"Probably only a few days," I replied. Ashton had told me we could stay for a week, but we needed to get back to his pack. They were my responsibility now and I wanted to get to know them. "We need to get back to the pack soon so that I can meet them and start getting to know them."

My parents smiled at me proudly and Ashton rested his chin on the top of my head, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

"We'll miss you when you go," Aly responded sadly.

I smiled over at her. "I know, I'll miss you too, but I'll come see you and you'll always be welcome to come see us."

Aly nodded in understanding and we all chatted for a while longer, winding down from the party. Rick told us stories about his old pack and family and Ashton and Dane supplied stories from their pack as well. I sat back and listened enjoying the stories and laughing along with everyone else.

After only a half hour or so, my dad stood, rubbing his hands together. "It's getting late," he commented. "Off to bed. We'll have a meeting tomorrow after breakfast, but everyone needs their sleep."

We responded easily to his light command and we all stood to say our goodnights before trooping upstairs into our individual rooms. I changed into a pair of soft pajama pants and a tank top in the bathroom and when I came out, Ashton was already changed into a pair of pajama pants and bare-chested.

IntransigentOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant